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5 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Nausea And Doctor's No. 1 Pick For Relief

Nausea is one of the most miserable — and unfortunately common —afflictions in the human experience. Fortunately, there are home remedies for nausea that can provide relief.

Nausea is that unmistakable feeling something is wrong, and can come with vomiting, abdominal pain, reflux, constipation and diarrhea.

It can be caused by everything from pregnancy, food poisoning or motion sickness to gastrointestinal issues, neurologic conditions, migraines and inner ear problems.

But the No. 1 cause is usually the side effect of medications, says Dr. Sydney Pomenti, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York.

She's been seeing more patients complaining of nausea since weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Zepbound, and Type 2 diabetes treatments like Ozempic and Mounjaro have become popular. Nausea is one of their most common side effects, partly because the medications slow down stomach emptying.

"For weight loss, more and more people are taking them," Pomenti tells TODAY.Com. "(There's) certainly an uptick in patients with nausea and other GI complaints that go with it."

Nausea can just be a benign symptom, but in some cases, it can be a sign of something more serious like appendicitis or Crohn's disease, says Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, board chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

"At any given point in time in their life, somebody has felt nauseous," Iroku-Malize, chair of family medicine at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell on Long Island, New York, tells TODAY.Com.

"Sometimes it's just mild, and sometimes it can be so bad that it prevents you from doing what you need to do."

If you are feeling nauseous, there are simple steps you can try. Here are five home remedies for nausea:


Compounds in ginger increase stomach emptying, part of the reason the fragrant stem is an effective, safe and inexpensive treatment for nausea, studies have found.

Research also shows that ginger may be helpful for pregnant women who experience mild nausea, though they should talk with their doctor before using it, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

Ginger is Pomenti's No. 1 pick for a nausea home remedy. "Ginger always helps," she says.

Fresh ginger is the best option, both doctors advise. Shred a bit of it into warm water to make a ginger tea. You can also try ginger chews or ginger candies, which have added sugar but are sometimes better tolerated, Pomenti notes.

Ginger ale made with real ginger and ginger capsules can also help, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says in its guide for pregnant women dealing with morning sickness.


Research has shown smelling peppermint essential oil is effective at reducing nausea, Iroku-Malize says.

"The scent of it helps to calm the stomach so that you don't get nauseous," she notes.

When cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy put a drop of peppermint oil just under their nose three times a day, their frequency of nausea was "significantly reduced," a 2021 study found.

Drinking peppermint tea, or eating peppermint candy or pills can also help with nausea because peppermint leads many areas of the GI tract to relax, Pomenti adds.

"We use it for many different conditions including irritable bowel syndrome," she notes.

Be sure to ingest only food-grade peppermint products — many oils are not for consumption, she cautions.

A 2020 study of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy found those who were given 40 drops of peppermint extract mixed with a bit of water every eight hours had less severe nausea than patients who drank the same amount of plain water.

Alcohol prep pads

Smelling wipes saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol — the kind used in doctors' offices to cleanse skin before an injection — is a surprising home remedy.

"It certainly works," Pomenti says, noting doctors use it all the time in the hospital to help patients stop vomiting. "It's pretty helpful to relieve nausea."

Inhaled isopropyl alcohol vapor has a modest effect in reducing nausea in adult patients, a 2022 review of studies found.

The exact mechanism behind why it works is not clear, but one theory is that since smell and nausea are closely related, the sharp odor of alcohol vapor is a strong stimulus to our sense of smell and provides a "distraction" from other signals that cause nausea, researchers say.

A study also found the smell of lemon can help with nausea.

Bland foods

If you're nauseous, try the BRAT diet, which consists of bananas, rice, apples or apple sauce, and toast — foods that are gentle on the stomach because they're bland and won't upset the digestive system.

"Stay with the bland (foods and) drinks — things that your stomach will take and handle better, easily," Iroku-Malize says.

"You don't want to aggravate your stomach. You don't make your stomach work extra hard during that time period. … You want something your body can just take and easily pass through until you're feeling better."

It's one of the reasons doctors recommend avoiding greasy, high-fat foods while on Ozempic — they're slower to digest and tend to stay in the stomach the longest, boosting the risk of nausea, as TODAY.Com previously reported.

Belly breathing

Also known as diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing can help turn on the body's parasympathetic — or the calming "rest and digest" — part of the autonomic nervous system.

"(It's) helpful for many GI conditions, and in particular nausea. I teach this often in my clinics and have great success," Pomenti says.

"It decreases your stomach pressure and it helps the stomach to relax."

Practice inhaling with your belly — you should see it rise as you take a breath, while the chest moves minimally or not at all, and then fall as you exhale fully.

People who practiced belly breathing during a virtual reality experience meant to trigger motion sickness reported fewer symptoms than people who breathed using their chest, a study found.

"You're trying to calm your body down so that it can naturally do what it needs to do," Iroku-Malize notes.

When to go to a doctor for nausea

If the nausea continues to persist no matter what you do or it starts to get worse, talk to your family doctor, Iroku-Malize advises.

If you're noticing other symptoms with the nausea or feeling abdominal pain, experiencing a bloated belly or finding that you're unable to have bowel movements, seek medical care, Pomenti says.

For some people, marijuana can cause nausea, which can take a long time to improve, she adds, so she encourages stopping the use of marijuana if that symptom develops.

This article was originally published on TODAY.Com

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Home Remedies For Nausea: Ginger, Peppermint And Deep Breathing Are Some Effective Ways To Get Relief

Nausea can stem from a range of triggers, including gastrointestinal disorders, medication side effects, overeating, infections, migraines, emotional stressors, motion sickness, hormonal imbalances, and neurological conditions, says Felix hospital gastroenterologist Rahul Sharma. Common symptoms include the feeling of impending vomiting, accompanied by sweating, pale skin, increased saliva production, elevated blood pressure, and a rapid heart rate.

Home remedies for nausea relief:

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Ginger: It is utilised for centuries, ginger has demonstrated efficacy in relieving pregnancy-related and chemotherapy-induced nausea. Ginger can be consumed in various forms, such as tea, candies, or pills.

Peppermint:  It Known for its soothing properties, peppermint can reduce nausea by relaxing muscles and acting as a mild anesthetic on the stomach lining. Peppermint tea, candies, or inhalation of its aroma can provide relief, says Sharma.

Lemon: This essential oil aromatherapy, or consuming lemon slices with honey and warm water have shown promise in alleviating nausea symptoms, particularly in pregnant individuals.

Vitamin B6: Studies have indicated the effectiveness of vitamin B6 in alleviating nausea, especially in pregnant individuals, either alone or in combination with other treatments.

Acupressure: According to Sharma, applying pressure to specific points on the body, such as the PC6 pressure point on the forearm, has been shown to reduce nausea severity in pregnant individuals and chemotherapy patients.

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR): This exercises, involving sequential muscle tensing and relaxation, can be beneficial, particularly for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

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Deep breathing: Controlled deep breathing exercises have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing chemotherapy-associated nausea, vomiting, and retching.

Prevention strategies for nausea:

Dietary modifications: Opting for protein-rich meals, avoiding spicy or heavy foods, and maintaining hydration with small sips of water can help prevent nausea. Electrolyte replacement beverages and sports drinks may also be beneficial.

Physical adjustments: Avoiding sudden movements, maintaining an upright posture, and practicing controlled breathing techniques or mindfulness meditation can reduce nausea.

Though these home remedies work week, It is important to seek guidance from doctor for personalized treatment recommendations, particularly if nausea persists or worsens over time.

Nivedita is a Delhi-based journalist who writes on health, fashion, lifestyle and entertainment. Views expressed are personal.

What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome? Here's What To Know, And Why Experts Say It's On The Rise

What was causing this intense stomach pain, Brittany wondered as she rode in an ambulance one late night in February.

Doctors at the hospital ran tests and ordered scans but could not name the source of her unrelenting nausea and vomiting. It was so bad she thought it might be a recurrence of her severe pancreatitis, the illness for which she once had been hospitalized and put on life support.

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While waiting for answers, she noticed an educational pamphlet on cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a little-known illness characterized by an onset of intense vomiting. She wondered if her gastric distress might have been caused by the marijuana she regularly and legally smoked at her home in Toronto.

A doctor confirmed that Brittany's years of cannabis use had manifested in CHS.

She felt upset, then bouts of anger. She felt isolated and like she had ruined her body.

"I basically spent that week laying in bed and just sipping slowly on water or sipping slowly on my Pedialyte, trying to get as much electrolytes and nutrition as I could," recalled Brittany, 27, who today is sober. She asked to be identified only by her first name for fear of how future employers may view her history of marijuana use.

Doctors say CHS is rare, but its frequency may be growing. There's no cure for this syndrome, with the only known, surefire treatment being abstinence from marijuana.

Though cannabis has become more culturally acceptable and more widely legal, both in the U.S. And abroad, its regular use is still a sensitive topic.

As the Biden administration considers reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug, and Congressional Democrats work to end the federal government's prohibition, some doctors are warning that while cannabis has legitimate uses, it can also be misused, with debilitating side effects.

What is CHS and who is at risk?

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is an uncommon reaction to cannabis use. In addition to frequent and severe vomiting, patients may have difficulty eating and drinking, and only find (temporary) relief in hot showers and baths.

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Because research on CHS is so limited, and because state health departments don't collect data on prevalence, it's unknown how common it is, said Dr. Michael Camilleri, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic.

Also, it's possible there are more cases than have been reported, since not everyone with the illness will seek medical help or tell their doctor they use cannabis, the Cleveland Clinic notes.

It's not clear if some people are more prone to the syndrome than others. However, Camilleri said that men are more likely to develop it, as are people who have used marijuana frequently and for many years.

Why might CHS be on the rise?

Though the condition remains unfamiliar to some medical professionals and the number of people diagnosed is relatively low, the prevalence of CHS cases observed in emergency departments doubled between 2017 and 2021 in North America, according to a paper authored by Camilleri and his colleagues in the journal Gastroenterology.

Anecdotally, the experts who spoke with the PBS NewsHour also say they have seen an increase.

When Dr. Deepa Camenga began her career about 20 years ago, she rarely if ever saw pediatric patients with CHS, she said. Today, hospitals in her area around New Haven, Connecticut, see pediatric CHS cases nearly every day, she added.

Camenga, associate director of pediatric programs at the Yale Program in Addiction Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine, partially attributes the rise to the increased accessibility of marijuana, largely by vaping.

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Decades ago, most people had less opportunity to consume cannabis in daily life. "No kid could use continuously throughout the day and also be doing anything else, because they would have been smoking a joint before," she said.

Now, with the advent of discreet delivery devices, "you can be out, you can be in public, you can be in school, you can be at your job" and continually vape without much notice, Camenga said.

Other theories behind rising cases include the widespread legalization and cultural acceptance of cannabis, as well as the higher tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in modern marijuana, experts told the NewsHour.

What do experts know about CHS?

Cannabis can both induce and subdue vomiting, a paradox doctors don't fully understand, Camilleri said. Medical marijuana has long been prescribed for nausea and appetite loss for people with cancer and HIV/AIDS, and the Food and Drug Administration has approved drugs with synthetic THC for use by chemotherapy patients.

Experts also aren't clear on what causes CHS, or why some people develop it while others don't. Since it was first identified in 2004 in Australia, researchers have looked at the effects of cannabis on the vomiting centers of the brain.

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Patients are often diagnosed with the syndrome based on the way they treat their own symptoms. Typically, patients can only find relief from intense and persistent nausea by taking hot baths or showers.

"There is evidence that if you send a message to the brain that competes with the message that's causing the nausea, vomiting, that you can suppress it," Camilleri said. One possible explanation for this is called "gate control theory," which postulates that to some extent, the brain can regulate how much pain it perceives.

How is CHS treated?

Severe and uncontrollable vomiting increases the risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, and in rare cases, patients can experience esophageal tears, Camenga said. Doctors often treat CHS patients who seek help at hospitals with fluids.

Typical antiemetics such as ondansetron, commonly known as Zofran, have often been found ineffective at suppressing nausea caused by CHS. There are some drugs that may help, such as amitriptyline, Camilleri said.

Ultimately, the only way to guarantee health is by totally abstaining, he added. If the patient quits cannabis consumption, vomiting due to CHS largely subsides. It's possible that with lower amounts or lower frequency, patients might be able to use cannabis again, but the science is unclear.

Camilleri also said that cannabis use is positively correlated with anxiety and depression, and noted that doctors should treat the whole patient and not just the disorder.

"It may be that the cannabinoid is only sort of one aspect of the way the patient is hurting that needs to be addressed to really get them to heal," he said.

What are other impacts of cannabis use?

Cannabis can be addictive, and people who stop using it can experience symptoms not unlike opioid or alcohol withdrawal, said Dr. Deepak Cyril D'Souza, director of the Yale Center for the Science of Cannabis and Cannabinoids.

Symptoms of withdrawal can include disrupted sleep, increased heart rate, sweating, irritability and mood swings, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Rates of cannabis use disorder have spiked in the past 40 to 50 years, D'Souza said, with some studies suggesting between 20 and 30 percent of marijuana users meeting the criteria for the disorder.

"We don't have any treatment for cannabis use disorder. Neither the psychological treatments nor the pharmacological treatments seem to be that effective," he said.

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He also warned that people with serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, should be cautious about marijuana use, as studies show cannabis can exacerbate the effects of those illnesses.

But it's also important to acknowledge the positive uses of marijuana, Camilleri said. He noted a 72-year-old patient who uses cannabis to help her sleep.

"It's the best medication that helps her sleep for the last five years. So why would I stop that medication? She has no adverse effects, there's no complications," he said.

D'Souza also doesn't consider marijuana to be inherently problematic. Instead, he's concerned that marijuana production and sales will follow in the footsteps of the tobacco and alcohol industries, which have worked to sway public opinion and legislation in their favor.

"Is it an accident that the tobacco industry is entering the fray in the cannabis industry? No, they've invested billions of dollars in that," D'Souza said. "The commercialization is what all of us should be concerned about."

Brittany initially blamed herself for developing the syndrome. But she's replaced her old habit with a new hobby; she's read 60 books this year, she said, and she feels great.

Every once in a while she wishes she could indulge in a joint, but she knows there are healthier diversions.

"I always recommend to people: Stop completely. Don't think continuing with small amounts is going to help you, because it's not. You need to just stop."


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