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home remedies to increase immunity :: Article Creator

10 Best Foods To Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system is your first line of defense against harmful pathogens that can contribute to acute and chronic illnesses. It's an extensive network of organs, cells, and proteins that work together to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other germs. And, if invaders enter the body and cause harm, the immune system is responsible for healing that damage and adapting for future threats.

There are many ways to support a healthy immune system, including regular physical activity and good sleep hygiene. However, diet—emphasizing certain nutrients—also plays a significant role.

Here are the best foods for immune system health, plus the science behind them.

pilipphoto / Getty Images Citrus fruits, known for their vitamin C content, are often praised for their role in supporting immune function. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for tissue growth and repair. As an antioxidant, vitamin C fights free radicals, which helps prevent certain cancers, heart disease, and other chronic health concerns. The average adult needs between 75 and 90 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily. However, the body cannot produce vitamin C, so it must be consumed through diet. Examples of citrus fruits and their vitamin C content include: Oranges: 82.7 mg of vitamin C per fruit Tangerines: 32 mg of vitamin C per fruit Limes: 19.5 mg of vitamin C per fruit Grapefruit: 39.3 mg of vitamin C per 1/2 fruit Citrus fruits can be enjoyed fresh or as an ingredient in various dishes. Adding a squeeze of their juice can heighten the flavor profile and vitamin C content of many classic recipes. Yulia Naumenko / Getty Images Bell peppers, especially red bell peppers, can also support a healthy immune system. Surprisingly, red bell peppers contain more vitamin C than most citrus fruits. One large red bell pepper contains 210 mg of vitamin C, more than double the recommended daily intake. However, the bell pepper's benefits don't stop there. They contain beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that gives the pepper its rich red hue and fights free radicals. Beta-carotene is also known for its pro-vitamin A activity, meaning bell peppers can also support eye and skin health. Bell peppers add a delicious flavor and tantalizing texture to many snacks and meals. Enjoy them fresh for a delicious, crunchy snack, or cook them down and add them to various meals. Bell peppers are great for stir-fries, wraps, and pasta dishes. fcafotodigital / Getty Images Research continues to show a connection between gut health and overall health. The gastrointestinal tract is home to a complex microbial community supporting your health through its energy regulation and immune response roles. However, not all bacteria are beneficial to gut health, so it's essential to prioritize the good bacteria that are present. Eating foods like yogurt that are rich in probiotics can increase the good bacteria in your gut microbiome. Greek yogurt is especially beneficial to the immune system, as it provides high-quality protein and helps diversify the bacteria strains in the gut.  Yogurt can be enjoyed independently or as the base of a nutrient-dense parfait. For example, combine a serving of yogurt with a mixture of berries and granola for increased vitamin C and fiber intake. Yogurt also makes a nutritious addition to many soup, smoothie, and dressing recipes. YelenaYemchuk / Getty Images Most cells in the immune system have a vitamin D receptor, indicating that the vitamin is directly connected to a properly functioning immune system. Fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, are rich in vitamin D. For example, 3 ounces (oz) of cooked salmon provides 14.5 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D, 97% of the recommended daily intake. Furthermore, fatty fish are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked with lower mortality rates from major causes, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Research has proven a connection between omega-3 fatty acids and the reduced expression of pro-inflammatory markers. Still, it's important to be mindful of portion sizes when eating fatty fish, as too much of even the healthy fats can have adverse results. VeselovaElena / Getty Images Cuts of poultry, such as chicken and turkey breasts, are packed with vitamin B6 and can support a healthy immune system. Vitamin B6 is vital in producing T-lymphocytes and interleukins, essential players in an optimally functioning immune system. Furthermore, research has shown a connection between vitamin B6 deficiency and chronic inflammation, indicating that the vitamin mitigates oxidative stress. A 4-oz serving of chicken breast provides 0.916 mg of vitamin B6, 54% of the highest recommended daily intake. You can enjoy poultry meats grilled, smoked, or roasted, and you can pair them with a variety of fresh, whole foods to maximize their immune system benefits. For example, chop grilled chicken and mix it with various veggies for a delicious protein-packed salad. Cavan Images / Getty Images Leafy greens, like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, can influence a healthy immune system. They're loaded with nutrients and fiber, supporting a healthy gut and accounting for many of the day's nutrient needs. However, their antioxidant profile might have the most potent impact on immunity. Studies have shown that regularly consuming green leafy vegetables can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. Leafy greens can be enjoyed fresh, paired with fruits, veggies, and lean proteins to make a nutrient-dense salad. Or, they can be cooked down and added to many different warm recipes. However, research indicates leafy greens retain the most potent antioxidant profile when steam-cooked. fcafotodigital / Getty Images Zinc is essential to a healthy immune system, as it plays a role in regulating the system's intracellular signaling pathways. Many foods are rich in zinc, but few are as convenient as nuts. Nuts, like cashews, almonds, and pine nuts, are excellent sources of zinc. For example, 1 oz of cashews provides 1.64 mg of zinc, 15% of the highest recommended daily intake. Similarly, 1 oz of almonds provides 0.885 mg of zinc or 8% of the upper end of the recommended range. Nuts are a convenient snack to bring on the go or can be added to various dishes. Add them atop hot or cold cereals for a boost of nutrients and extra crunch, or mix them into a grain-based side dish at dinner. Francesco Carta fotografo / Getty Images Ginger, a flowering root plant from Southeast Asia, has been linked to positive effects on the immune system. It boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting it can help reduce the risk of chronic health concerns, such as cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that ginger blocks pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppresses oxidative molecules that contribute to inflammation in the body. It's easy to add ginger to a well-balanced diet. Peeled, fresh ginger can be shredded, diced, or sliced to use in various recipes. It's also available dried, powdered, or as an oil, but the processed versions may not offer the same powerful effects as fresh ginger. alexander ruiz / Getty Images Turmeric, a bright yellow and bitter spice, contains a biologically active compound called curcumin. Curcumin works with cells in the immune system, such as macrophages and natural killer cells, to enhance the body's defense capabilities. Its gastro-protective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties suppress metabolic pathways that trigger inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Turmeric boasts an earthy flavor with a touch of sweetness, adding a very distinctive flavor to recipes. It is often used in curry dishes, but turmeric's capabilities are endless. It can be added to soups, stews, smoothies, oatmeal, marinades, and teas, for example. pilipphoto / Getty Images Garlic has long been used for medicinal purposes, as it contains multiple compounds that have been linked to immune function. These biologically active compounds contribute to various biological processes in the body through their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. For example, garlic can support brain, gut, and heart health. Additionally, research shows that garlic can heighten immune response and reduce inflammation. Garlic can make a tasty addition to many savory recipes. Consider adding it to pasta sauce, mashed potatoes, stir-fries, dressings, and dips. Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system. However, maximizing immune function requires a holistic approach that involves: Sleep: Sleep is essential to immunity, as it's the body's chance to recharge and replace important infection-fighting cells. Sleep deprivation has been linked to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of infection. Adults should sleep at least 7 hours per night to optimize immune health. Regular Physical Activity: Physical activity supports a healthy immune system through several avenues. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety, support weight management efforts, and improve sleep patterns. The latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Stress Management: While there's a need for continued research, current studies show that elevated stress levels can be linked to the dysregulation of the immune system. Stress is a broad concept that may vary between individuals. However, management techniques like yoga, meditation, and therapy can help alleviate stress symptoms. The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells, and proteins that work together to keep you healthy. But to keep it operating at its maximum potential, nourishing the immune system with a well-balanced diet rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A, B6, C, and D is important. Foods like citrus fruits and red bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, while fatty fish are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Poultry is a good source of vitamin B6, and many nut varieties are rich in zinc. Additionally, yogurt and other fermented foods that contain probiotics can help support a healthy gut. A well-balanced gut microbiome is essential to overall health, as it plays a vital role in many avenues of immunity. In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, managing stress levels, and incorporating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is important. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night and 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.

9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Oral Thrush And Manage Symptoms

Oral thrush is treated with antifungal medication, but you can also ease uncomfortable symptoms with home remedies such as salt water, yogurt, clove oil, apple cider vinegar, and more.

Oral thrush, also called oral candidiasis, is a yeast infection of the mouth. It happens when there's a buildup of the Candida albicans fungus in the lining of the mouth.

Oral thrush may occur in adults or children.

If you have oral thrush, you'll need antifungal medication to clear the yeast. But you may also be able to help manage bothersome symptoms with home remedies.

Read on to learn how you can help treat the symptoms of this condition at home.

It's important to treat oral thrush as soon as possible to contain the infection. Doctors often prescribe antifungal medications in the form of mouthwashes, pills, or lozenges.

Mild cases of oral thrush may go away on their own.

The following home remedies, used in addition to antifungal medications, may help relieve symptoms of the infection.

1. Salt water

Salt has antiseptic, cleansing, and soothing properties. This makes it a common home remedy for many oral problems.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water could help relieve symptoms of oral thrush and prevent future oral disease.

To use:

  • Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water.
  • Swish the solution throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the salt solution.
  • 2. Baking soda

    Rinsing your mouth with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) may help treat oral thrush.

    This 2021 research — focused on the use of sodium bicarbonate to treat the yeast that causes vaginal infections — noted that it does help treat that Candida albicans fungus, which leads not only to vaginal infections but also to oral thrush. It compliments older research that looked at the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate as a disinfectant of Candida albicans, and concluded that baking soda was a "viable alternative."

    To use:

  • Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in 1 cup warm water.
  • Swish the rinse throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the rinse.
  • 3. Yogurt

    Probiotic yogurt contains live, "good" bacteria cultures that may help treat oral thrush.

    The cultures don't kill Candida. Instead, they stop its growth. They may also help restore the proper balance of good to bad bacteria in the mouth.

    Since it's soft, yogurt is also a great food to eat if you're having trouble swallowing due to painful mouth and throat lesions.

    To use:

  • Eat yogurt a couple times daily at the first sign of oral thrush.
  • Choose unsweetened varieties of yogurt since Candida thrives on sugar.
  • If you don't like yogurt, you can get the same benefits by taking a daily probiotic supplement.
  • 4. Lemon juice

    Lemon juice is thought to have antiseptic and antifungal abilities that help it fight against the fungus that causes thrush.

    Lemon juice was found to be an effective treatment for oral thrush.

    To use:

  • Add the juice of half a lemon to 1 cup warm or cool water.
  • Drink the mixture, or use as a mouth rinse.
  • Some people apply lemon juice directly to thrush lesions, but the lemon's acidity may cause burning and irritation.

    5. Turmeric

    Turmeric gets its vibrant yellow color from curcumin, which is a powerful compound thought to have anti-inflammatory abilities.

    Research points out how curcumin may treat oral thrush because of its antifungal poperties. This is particularly true when combined piperine, a compound found in black pepper that helps the body absorb turmeric. Further research is needed.

    To use:

  • Make "golden milk" by combining 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon turmeric paste (store-bought or homemade) with a dash of black pepper and 1 cup filtered water or milk of your choice.
  • Heat in a saucepan until warm.
  • Swish the mixture throughout your mouth as you drink it.
  • 6. Clove oil

    People have used clove oil as a folk remedy for oral problems for centuries. It's still used in dentistry today as an antiseptic and pain reliever.

    The main compound in clove oil (eugenol) is just as effective in treating oral thrush as the antifungal drug nystatin (Mycostatin). More research on humans is still needed, but it may work as a beneficial addition to treatment.

    To use:

    Take clove oil as a dietary supplement as directed by the manufacturer or your doctor. You can also make a clove mouth rinse:

  • Steep 1 teaspoon whole ground cloves in 1 cup boiling water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Strain the solution, keeping the liquid.
  • Swish the liquid around your mouth.
  • Spit out the solution.
  • Cloves may causean allergic reaction or numbing effect in the mouth in some people.

    7. Oregano oil

    Oregano oil is used to flavor foods, but it also has antimicrobial and antifungal abilities.

    Research has found oregano oil to be effective against Candida albicans, although more research is needed.

    To use:

  • Combine 2 drops oregano oil with 1 cup water.
  • Swish the mixture throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the solution.
  • Never use undiluted oregano oil orally or topically.

    8. Apple cider vinegar

    People with dentures have a higher risk of oral thrush. Dentures that don't fit properly or that aren't cleaned well provide the ideal environment for Candida to thrive. This may cause a condition similar to thrush called denture stomatitis.

    According to this research from 2015, apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties against Candida and may be a good alternative treatment option for people with denture stomatitis.

    To use:

  • Add 1 teaspoon raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to 1 cup water.
  • Swish the rinse throughout your mouth for at least 15 seconds.
  • Spit out the mixture.
  • If you rinse with undiluted apple cider vinegar, be aware that this may cause a painful burning sensation in your mouth.

    9. Vitamin C

    Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is necessary for proper immune system function. It does this by encouraging white blood cell production, which helps protect your body against infection.

    It also helps these cells function more effectively and protects them against harmful molecules.

    A healthy immune system helps bring balance back to your body. Increasing your intake of vitamin C if you're deficient may help boost your body's immune system to fight the infection.

    This Is How To Give Your Immune System A Boost, According To Experts

    Get out the tissues — cold and flu season is officially here. 

    If you're sick of feeling run down all the time (who isn't?), taking care of your immune system can make a huge difference.

    We spoke with two experts for the best tips and tricks on how to boost your immune system naturally so you can be prepared to fight off the latest bug going around. 

    Keep reading for immune-boosting foods, stress-busting tactics and gut health heroes (crucial!) that will have you on your way to feeling your best. 

    Read more: Expert-approved tips on reducing stress

    Top buys for immune support

    Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour Half Pan & Brush Pen

    The Original Groove Pain Relief Pillow

    Show 11 more

    How to improve your immune system — 5 simple tips1. Manage your stress levels

    With everything from work and relationship problems to the cost of living crisis impacting our day-to-day lives, many of us are finding that our stress levels are regularly elevated. 

    But chronic stress and anxiety can have a detrimental effect on your immune system's ability to function correctly.

    'Managing stress is vital to supporting a healthy immune system,' Kara Landau, Prebiotic RD at Gut Feeling Consultancy and nutrition advisor to the Global Prebiotic Association, tells Best Buys. 

    'The majority of your immune cells are found in the gut microbiome. So when you are constantly stressed and your body is in a state of fight or flight this can cause issues for your gut bacteria and, ultimately, your immune system,' she explains. 

    Dr Sara Mesilhy, a gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine member at the Royal College of Physicians, agrees. She suggests managing stress by 'practising habits such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga'. 

    Need some inspiration? Here are a few of our favourite tools for reducing stress in your day-to-day life.

    Bursting with stress-busting meditations and mindfulness exercises, Headspace is a super convenient way to factor a moment of calm into your day.

    Discover guided meditations designed to help you relax, sleep better and reduce anxiety, as well as informative articles, gentle exercise videos and curated music playlists for focus all on the handy app. 

    Journaling is a fantastic way to compose your thoughts and worries, allowing for a clearer head and stronger ability to cope with negative feelings.

    The Five Minute Journal is the perfect option for even the busiest person, requiring just five dedicated minutes of writing a day. 

    A firm favourite of the Best Buys editors, you'll be pleasantly surprised just how much this small daily ritual can improve your mood.

    Not only is painting a relaxing hobby that can help reduce stress levels, but it's pretty fun, too. 

    Unleash your inner Cézanne with this set of high-quality Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolours, packaged in a handy half pan. It also comes with a nifty water brush pen that makes painting a breeze.

    2. Get good quality sleep

    Are you finding yourself counting sheep a little too often? You could be doing your immune system a disservice.

    'Sleep is crucial for immune system recovery and function,' says Dr Mesilhy. 

    Landau explains: 'Our body uses sleep for cell repair, and inadequate deep and restful sleep has been shown to result in a weakened immune system. This can result in an increased likelihood of illness occurring.'

    Check out these ideas for improving your sleep quality so you can allow your body to recover and boost your immune function.

    Is your pillow a pain in the neck? The Groove pillow may be just what you need.

    Crafted from memory foam, the Groove is designed to support your neck and spine while you sleep, correcting poor posture and reducing pain and headaches caused by uncomfortable pillows.

    Investing in a new mattress can have a huge impact on your sleep quality, and the Emma Original Mattress is one of the best options on the market.

    Offering a medium firmness, it features adaptive foam layers that work to evenly distribute your weight as you sleep so you feel supported and comfortable all night long.

    A heated or electric blanket can work wonders for ensuring a good night's sleep, especially as the nights get colder.

    This luxurious option from Dreamland heats up in just five minutes and features intelligent technology that responds to your environment, adjusting the temperature as you sleep. It's also machine washable for convenience. 

    3. Be mindful of your diet

    Incorporating balanced, nutrient-dense food into your diet is an easy way to boost your immune system naturally, 'especially foods rich in vitamin C (such as citrus fruits) and zinc (such as nuts, seeds and lean meats)', Dr Mesilhy explains.

    But, according to our experts, there's one key thing many of us neglect that we should be consuming for strengthened immunity: prebiotics.

    'Prebiotics are food for the probiotics already inside your body, so consuming a gut-healthy diet packed with prebiotics would be my number one recommendation to support a healthy immune system,' Landau says.

    Luckily, prebiotics and immune-boosting vitamins can be found in a huge variety of food. Take a look at our top recommendations.

    Delicious and packed with immune-strengthening benefits, this genuine New Zealand 55 MGO Manuka Honey from Manuka Doctor is a win-win.

    Manuka honey is rich in oligosaccharides — a form of non-digestible carbohydrates — which work as prebiotics, therefore helping to improve your gut health and support your immune system. 

    It also contains Antimicrobial Activities at a strength of 55 MGO (Methylglyoxal), which are known to kill certain types of bacteria and promote healing. 

    And if all that goodness wasn't incentive enough, this Manuka Honey from Manuka Doctor is currently available for just £15 — that's less than half price.

    Making meals from scratch is a great way to ensure you're eating healthy, immune-boosting food. And with HelloFresh, cooking at home has never been easier.

    Offering hundreds of easy-to-follow recipes, a HelloFresh subscription means fresh, locally sourced ingredients delivered straight to your door and a tasty, nutritious meal whipped up in no time.

    You can also tailor your box to suit your household needs, from the number of meals you receive per week to recipes that accommodate specific dietary requirements such as vegan and calorie-controlled.

    If you're struggling to get in your five a day, why not give OddBox a go?

    OddBox's produce boxes are bursting with fresh, tasty fruits and vegetables that have a little more character than the ones you'll find at the supermarket, helping to prevent food waste in the process.

    You can also choose between four box sizes and either weekly or fortnightly deliveries, so you can tailor your purchase to suit your needs.

    Dr Mesilhy recommends incorporating fermented food and drinks into your diet as they 'nourish beneficial gut bacteria', contributing to a healthy gut.  

    Naturally fermented and refreshing, this ginger and lemon flavoured kombucha from Remedy is an easy way to introduce this key element into your diet. 

    It's vegan, raw, naturally contains no sugar and each can is bursting with gut-loving live cultures.

    4. Get a helping hand via supplements

    Whilst you're likely to consume the majority of your vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, supplements can offer a little extra help.

    And with such a wide range of options available, they're worth giving a shot. Check out our favourite vitamins for immune system health.

    Vitamin C is renowned for its immune system benefits, with studies showing that it can even reduce the rate of colds in active people by 50%, and these high-strength supplements from Holland & Barrett are perfect for incorporating all that vitamin C goodness into your daily routine.

    If swallowing pills isn't for you, these vitamin gummies from Boots are a great alternative. They contain an active blend of vitamin C and zinc for ultimate immune support and have a tasty raspberry flavour. 

    These fizzy Vitaboost tablets feature an immune-supporting blend of zinc and vitamins C and D. Simply pop one into a glass of water and enjoy a refreshing, citrusy drink that's good for you, too.

    5. Prioritise physical activity

    Time to dust off your running shoes and (finally) make use of that gym membership — exercise is particularly important for giving your immune system a fighting chance.

    'Physical activity has been proven to strengthen the immune system by a number of pathways,' says Landau. 'Both strength training to increase muscle mass, as well as cardio training can be beneficial for helping with the body's ability to respond quickly to pathogens.'

    If you're struggling to feel motivated, here are some of our favourite ways to get more movement into your life. 

    Yoga is the perfect way to incorporate gentle physical movement into your routine and practise mindfulness at the same time.

    This starter kit from John Lewis comes with a yoga mat and balance block so you'll have everything you need to get going. 

    Enjoy the fresh air and time outdoors with this Dual Sport 2 hybrid bike from Trek. 

    Designed to be a go-anywhere bike, it handles a variety of terrains like a pro. So whether you're riding it to work or through your local park, you'll enjoy a smooth, comfortable ride.

    Why is it important to look after your immune system?

    'Your immune system is the vital component that your body relies on to fight infection from external threats such as viruses, bacteria or unwanted pathogens that otherwise can make us ill,' Landau explains. 

    That means that when your immune system is weak or isn't functioning properly, you're at greater risk of catching colds and flu.

    Why might someone have a weakened immune system?

    'The most obvious cause of a weakened immune system is having a medical condition that impairs immune function, such as HIV, cancer and autoimmune diseases,' says Dr Mesilhy. 'But several factors can contribute to a weakened immunity.'

    These can include 'poor dietary choices, a lack of sleep, stress, as well as chronic use of medications such as antibiotics that can impact the diversity of gut bacteria present in your body,' Landau says.

    What are signs of a weak immune system?

    Regularly catching colds, digestive problems and feeling fatigued are all common signs that you may have a low immune system.

    'When your immune system is weakened, you are more prone to viral and bacterial infections that can leave your energy depleted while your body then forces you to allow itself to heal,' Landau explains.

    Time to give your immunity a kick-start

    Looking after your immune system is crucial for fighting disease and for improving your overall health. 

    So, whether you begin incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet via a produce subscription like OddBox, up your vitamin C intake with Boots Vitamin Gummies or start practising yoga with John Lewis' Yoga Starter Kit, you can rest assured you're helping strengthen your immunity.

    Did you like this article? For more great deals and shopping ideas, find us now on your favourite social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!

    The information presented above is accurate as of 06/02/2024. We are not responsible for any changes to the prices. The 'Best Buys featured' badge indicates sponsored content, and we may earn commission when you make a purchase.


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