
Showing posts from November, 2023

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natural antivirals against human viruses :: Article Creator Your Immune System Makes Its Own Antiviral Drug − And It's Likely One Of The Most Ancient Antiviral drugs are generally considered to be a 20th century invention. But recent research has uncovered an unexpected facet to your immune system: It can synthesize its own antiviral molecules in response to viral infections. My laboratory studies a protein that makes these natural antiviral molecules. Far from a modern human invention, nature evolved cells to make their own "drugs" as the earliest defense against viruses. How antivirals work Viruses have no independent life cycle – they are completely dependent on the cells they infect to supply all the chemical building blocks needed to replicate themselves. Once inside a cell, the virus hijacks its machinery and turns it into a factory to make hundreds of new viruses. Antiviral drugs are molecules that inactivate proteins essential to

Dictionary of Dietary Supplement Terms

natural acupuncture and cupping center :: Article Creator Chinese Cultural Center Teaches Students About Acupuncture See the history of acupuncture and its rise to popularity in America through the Chinese Cultural Center The latest exhibit at The Chinese Cultural Center aims to teach students more about Chinese history and medicine by showcasing the origins of acupuncture. "The significance of the exhibit is to debunk the myth about acupuncture…being invasive or hurtful," said Lilly Cheng, founding director of the Chinese Cultural Center. "Rather, (we want) to promote understanding of health and healing. Not only for humankind but also extended to our lovely animal world." According to Cheng, acupuncture can be beneficial as an alternative to surgery or medicine for those with chronic pains and injuries. "The acupuncture exhibit tells the story about how acupuncture came to the United States," Cheng said. "(

Deep meditation may alter gut microbes for better health | BMJ

acupuncture holistic health :: Article Creator How Raphie Rose Promotes Holistic Wellness Through Acupuncture Therapy Summary: Raphaella Rose Chiaramonte, otherwise known as Raphie Rose, welcomes individuals to experience the transformative impact of acupuncture in the treatment and prevention of various conditions. Acupuncture, a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine involving stimulating specific body points, typically by inserting needles into the skin to treat health conditions, has been utilized for the past 2,500 years by practitioners all over the globe. Today, acupuncture remains the most prevalent form of traditional medicine practice, with the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledging its benefits for various health conditions. Raphie Rose, Raphaella Rose Chiaramonte, also fondly called Raphie Rose by her clients, has dedicated ten years to mastering the ancient healing practice to promote holistic wellness, particularly

Dictionary of Dietary Supplement Terms

hrt natural remedies :: Article Creator The Best Natural Ways To Strengthen Bones According To Doctors You already know how important strong bones are. They keep you active, curb your risk of debilitating fractures and protect your vital organs. But your bones weaken with age. And if you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor may suggest a bone-strengthening medication. The hitch: Osteoporosis drugs can be expensive and come with unwanted side effects. If that leaves you thinking I don't want to take osteoporosis drugs, there's good news to report: You may not need to. Doctors say there are natural remedies that help keep your bones in tip-top shape. Read on to find out what osteoporosis is, how to determine if you're at risk, and the easy ways to strengthen your skeleton if you don't want to take osteoporosis drugs. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to become weak and brittle.

Diseases and Conditions: Diseases Symptoms, Treatment, Signs ...

alternative health care :: Article Creator Editorial Roundup: Buyer Beware On 'health Care Sharing Ministries' Published 8:50 pm Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Open enrollment is the window of time at the year's end when consumers make a critical health care decision — which health insurance plan to buy for the coming year to cover themselves and their families. Those with coverage through a job typically have a handful of plans to choose from. Those who buy on their own — such as early retirees, farm families or entrepreneurs — have a dizzying array of choices. It's that latter group, currently right in the middle of open enrollment, who should take heed of recent data from Colorado underscoring an old truth: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Colorado state regulators' information concerns a product known as "health care sharing ministries" that may be marketed to consum

Deep meditation may alter gut microbes for better health | BMJ

throat medicine :: Article Creator Throat Spray User's Guide Most throat spray brands direct you to spray once directly to the back of your throat. You usually let throat spray stay in place for a short time before spitting it out. How often you can use it depends on the brand. Sore throat symptoms can make it hard to speak or swallow. Even a minor sore throat can cause pain, scratchiness, and irritation that interferes with day-to-day life. Over-the-counter sore throat remedies, like throat spray, can provide comforting relief. But figuring out how to use throat spray effectively can be confusing. Throat sprays won't cure your sore throat but can temporarily relieve symptoms. In this article, we'll explain how throat spray works and provide information on how to use it. Even though throat sprays don't require a prescription, you should only use them according to package directions. Accidental overuse of throa