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This Doctor-Recommend Stomach Ache Remedy Is Probably In Your Kitchen

How To Get Rid Of Any Kind Of Stomach PainWestend61 - Getty Images

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1. Stop Diarrhea

The cause: A very common cause of diarrhea is mild food poisoning. And of course, we've all heard of—or experienced firsthand—Montezuma's revenge: Traveling overseas can often bring on bouts of loose bowel movements, primarily because your body has to adjust to the new bacteria in the food and water you're consuming while away from home.

The quick fix: For food poisoning, there is no fix other than the passage of time. "You need to let your body flush itself of the toxins," says Amit Bhan, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

If diarrhea strikes at a moment when heading to the bathroom is either inconvenient (like during an important meeting) or if it's so frequent that it keeps you from sleeping, Bahn recommends knocking back some Pepto-Bismol. The pink liquid is a remedy that will attack the diarrhea-causing bacteria in your system so you can sleep and function during the day. If you're traveling overseas, take Imodium, which works by slowing down the speed at which fluids move through your intestines.

2. Fight Farts

The cause: Though many of us try to stop or just hide our gas, it's actually one sign of a healthy body. According to Michael Wolfe, M.D., chief of gastroenterology at Boston University's School of Medicine, gas is caused by two things: eating gas-forming foods such as green vegetables, fruits with peels on them, carbonated beverages, cabbage, and beans; or swallowing air. "People [take in extra air] when they drink with straws, talk with their mouths full, or eat too fast, or when they're nervous," Wolfe says.

The quick fix: If you have a gas problem, take an over-the-counter anti-gas drug like Mylanta Gas. Beano, Wolfe says, is another good product, especially if veggies aren't friendly to your system. Beano works by breaking down raffinose, a sugar byproduct in plants that can be a bugger for many people to digest.

3. Ease Cramps

The cause: Sure, you expect cramps around the time of your period, but what about the monthly rounds of nausea, upset stomach, and diarrhea?

Nancy Cossler, an obstetrician and gynecologist at University Hospital's Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, says it's pretty normal for your whole abdominal region to go haywire around the time you're menstruating.

"Hormones cause contractions of the uterine muscle, which causes cramping," she says. "It's completely normal if your stomach cramps, causing an upset stomach or diarrhea [around your period]."

The quick fix: To ease cramps and lessen bleeding, take an Advil or Ibuprofen 12 to 24 hours before you're expecting your period, Cossler says. Then take the prescribed amount every three to six hours for three days.

4. Banish Bloating

The cause: No one likes feeling two to five pounds heavier—especially when it means no longer fitting into skinny jeans. Though annoying, bloating is not a huge cause for alarm.

"Don't be too worried about [bloating]," says David C. Metz, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. "Anything from menstruation to constipation can cause it."

The quick fix: Try to stay away from salt, since it makes you retain water, and avoid foods that cause gas—such as beans, broccoli, and cauliflower. As long as you've ruled out lactose intolerance, try eating yogurt with "live and active cultures" (look for this phrase on the label), which can help regulate your digestive system.

5. Rid Yourself of Reflux

The cause: "This condition often hits at night, when you're in the lying-down position," says Minh Nguyen, M.D., of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Reflux occurs when acid travels from the stomach to the esophagus and throat; unlike heartburn, it can give you pain in your chest, a sore throat, or bouts of coughing.

The quick fix: Nguyen recommends a prescription medicine or an over-the-counter antacid like Prilosec. If you don't want to rely on drugs, cut back on the known provocateurs: drinking, smoking, and eating late at night.

6. Never Be Nauseated

The cause: If you've ruled out pregnancy, you don't have to be stuck with an upset stomach.

The quick fix: A simple cure may be waiting for you in your spice rack: Ginger root has a long history of being used successfully as a cure for an upset stomach. The reason ginger works so well for digestion has never been precisely identified, but some say it works by speeding up the pace at which food moves into the small intestine from the stomach.

"[When] I've eaten too much and feel nauseated, I'll have ginger tea to soothe my stomach," says Charlene Prather, M.D., an associate professor of gastroenterology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. It's really easy to make—I just grate fresh ginger in water and add a little honey and it takes care of it," she says.

7. Knock Out Heartburn

The cause: Unruly stomach acid backing up into your throat. Eating spicy foods before bed is a common culprit, as are eating too much or too fast, smoking, and imbibing heavily. But sometimes nearly anything can make you feel the burn.

The quick fix: "When I have heartburn, I drink a glass of milk," says Jeffry A. Katz, M.D., a gastroenterologist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland. "Milk neutralizes the acid produced by the stomach," he says.

8. Ease After-Eating Pain

The cause: eating too fast or too much, or eating the wrong thing.

The quick fix: Cut out fast food, and eat more slowly. If you're not a junk-food junkie and are still feeling pain after a meal, you could have gallbladder disease. "Women more often than men get it, and some get gall stones for no reason," says Francisco Marrero, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic. See your doctor for further treatment.

*Read Stomach 101 to learn more about gallstones.

9. Curb Constipation

The cause: According to the experts, one of the biggest stomach myths is that you have to go number two three times a day to have healthy bowels. The truth? Everybody poops, but not with the same frequency.

Constipation is very common in women, says Irwin Grosman, M.D., gastroenterology chief at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn. "There's a theory that there's a hormonal difference between men and women and [that] women take longer to digest and eliminate food."

The quick fix: If you don't go every day, don't sweat it. And if you're experiencing other stomach symptoms of constipation, such as bloating or gas, the simplest thing you can do is increase your fiber intake. Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, and kick-start your day with a high-fiber cereal. Inactivity can sometimes cause constipation, too. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day, and keep yourself hydrated.

If all that doesn't keep things moving, try a gentle over-the-counter laxative like Metamucil.

10. Hunger Pangs

The cause: The digestive system's natural contractions are felt more severely on an empty stomach. Without food, the stomach becomes a sort of gastric echo chamber. Hunger pangs serve a handy purpose: They're like a text message from the stomach to the brain indicating that it's time to pursue nourishment.

The quick fix: Eat. But beware: In rare cases an achy stomach could also indicate more than hunger. "Sometimes people sense a burning pain that gets better when you eat," says Mark Babyatsky, M.D., a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. "That could be an ulcer. If it persists, see a physician. If you've always had it, it could be just your appetite," he says. Babyatsky advises that you stay full by eating more small meals throughout the day.

To learn about the possible causes of tummy pain, see Stomach 101.

Reminder: If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, see your doctor immediately: blood in your stool, rectal bleeding, paleness, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, yellowing of the eyes, severe abdominal pain, and/or severe nausea and vomiting

Picture this: You're going about your day when all of a sudden you feel a not-so-subtle stomach ache starting to kick in. Unfortunately, stomach pain can stem from a lot of different things. Maybe you ate some not-so-great food, ate too fast, or ate something that triggered an intolerance that you have. And then, of course, there are more serious conditions that can bring one on as well (but more on that in a moment).

Symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and nausea can make everyday functions feel impossible, and you might be asking yourself 'What gives?' Basically, stomach aches can occur whenever there is irritation of the stomach lining, says Henry Herrera, MD, a gastroenterologist at DHR Health Gastroenterology in Edinburg, Texas.

Fortunately, the vast majority of stomach aches go away on their own. Still, it's important to keep tabs on how often your stomach aches occur and what they feel like in case it's a sign of an underlying issue that requires a trip to your doctor. "Other factors must be considered, such as the character of the pain, intensity, and location along with associated symptoms," says Leila Kia, MD, a gastroenterologist at Northwestern Medicine.

Ahead, read up on some of the most common causes of stomach aches plus 15 expert-approved tips on how to get rid of them fast.

Meet the experts: Henry Herrera, MD, is a gastroenterologist at DHR Health Gastroenterology in Edunburg, Texas. Leila Kia, MD, is a gastroenterologist at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. Amit Bhan, MD, is a gastroenterologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Georgia Close, MD, is a New York-based board-certified gastroenterologist and a scientific advisor for Hilma. Samantha Nazareth, MD, is a New York-based board-certified gastroenterologist and Women's Health advisory board member. Michael Wolfe, MD, is the chair of the Case Western Reserve University department of medicine at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Jeffry A. Katz, MD, is a gastroenterologist at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. Minh Nguyen, MD, is a gastroenterologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Charlene Prather, MD, is an associate professor of gastroenterology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Irwin Grosman, MD, is the associate chief of gastroenterology at NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn. Rita Knotts, MD, is a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health in New York.

What are some of the most common causes of stomach aches?

The list of reasons as to why someone may be experiencing a stomach ache is a lengthy one. But here are some of the most common causes and how they differ, according to experts.

Food poisoning: Unlike minor stomach aches, symptoms of food poisoning tend to last longer (about 24 to 72 hours). In mild cases, someone may experience bloating and discomfort. In more severe cases, it can lead to diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, or chills.

Appendicitis: The pain caused by appendicitis comes on suddenly and can feel intense. "It starts on the right side, on the lower part of your stomach," says Samantha Nazareth, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist and Women's Health advisory board member. "The pain can move to the belly button or shift in that area, but it can also include nausea, vomiting, or fever." You'll want to get medical attention stat if you believe you have appendicitis.

Eating too quickly: If you eat too fast, there's a chance you'll swallow more air than you should—this is called aerophagia. "Swallowing too much air can cause bloating, gas, burping, and belching," says Georgia Close, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist and a scientific advisor for Hilma.

Ovarian cysts: This is likely to be felt in the lower part of the stomach and can be very painful. In this case, going to the hospital for imaging (like an ultrasound or CAT Scan) can help determine the next steps.

A bowel obstruction: Peritonitis leads to intense pain because the bowels have ruptured. Dr. Nazareth adds that this can be life-threatening and needs to be treated quickly.

Heartburn or acid reflux: Unlike other possibilities, many people describe this as a burning sensation and less of an ache, says Dr. Nazareth. This is super common, with Dr. Close adding that about one in five adults experience either issue.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): "IBS/functional bowel disorders affects up to 25% of the US population (including both diarrhea and constipation subtypes)," says Dr. Close. They're very common and lead to aches in the lower belly. However, it's important to note that not all constipation is IBS.

Lactose Intolerance: This stems from a person's inability to process the sugar in milk, which results in diarrhea, gas, or bloating, per Mayo Clinic. "Sixty-five percent of the global population has some sort of inability to digest lactose," says Dr. Close.

When should you see a doctor about stomach pain?

With all the possible causes of a stomach ache, it can be difficult to determine what warrants a trip to the doctor. "There are certain things that we call 'alarm symptoms'," says Dr. Close. "Symptoms like difficulty swallowing, feeling like food is getting stuck, nausea, vomiting, feeling full easily, unintentional weight loss, and blood in the stool (including bright red blood or black stools) absolutely calls for an evaluation." Dr. Nazareth notes that severe culprits of stomach aches typically include pain that comes on suddenly rather than a slow buildup. If the pain is keeping or waking you up at night, is accompanied by a fever, or does not subside with OTC meds, you should also make an appointment to see a doc ASAP.

On the other hand, if you have a run-of-the-mill stomach ache, or want to prevent them in the future, consider one of these potential remedies:

Have some spearmint or peppermint

Thanks to their menthol content, both spearmint and peppermint can soothe the pain of a stomach ache. Menthol has been shown to relax the muscles in the GI tract, says Dr. Herrera.

But if you're experiencing acid reflux, it's best to avoid these. "It can worsen reflux by relaxing the sphincter, which keeps stomach contents out of the esophagus," he explains.

Pros: You can get similar benefits from peppermint oil, which can improve irritable bowel and decrease abdominal pain, says Dr. Close. It's also known to relieve gas and bloating.

Cons: Peppermint is one of the foods that have been known to make acid reflux and heartburn worse.

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Sip ginger tea

Another simple cure may be waiting for you in your kitchen: Ginger root has a long history of being used as a cure for an upset stomach.

The reason ginger works so well for digestion has never been precisely identified, but some say it speeds up the pace at which food moves into the small intestine from the stomach.

"[When] I've eaten too much and feel nauseated, I'll have ginger tea to soothe my stomach," says Charlene Prather, MD, an associate professor of gastroenterology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. "It's really easy to make—I just grate fresh ginger in water and add a little honey and it takes care of it."

Pros: Ginger, in general, can help improve nausea and upper abdominal pain. It's perfect for anyone that would prefer to lean on natural remedies as a first step. You can also take ginger supplements or ginger oil as an alternative, says Dr. Close.

Cons: Ginger can increase bowel movements, so if you're experiencing diarrhea, something that would lead to more time in the bathroom might not be ideal, notes Dr. Nazareth.

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Try gentle movement

If you're having trouble passing stool, taking on a form of light exercise can lead to better bowel movement. BTW, that doesn't mean you need to go do a HIIT workout. "Just moving the body helps with peristalsis (or movements of the intestines)," says Dr. Nazareth.

Still, it's important to listen to your body. If your symptoms are not allowing you to work out, don't force it and consider other remedies that might feel more comfortable.

Pros: Consistent exercise can prevent a lack of bowel movement and constipation.

Cons: Doing heavy exercise can cause blood to flow into whatever part of the body is being worked, which draws blood away from the stomach, where it may be needed for digestion, says Dr. Nazareth. Working out right after eating can also lead to cramps

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Pay attention to hunger signals

The digestive system's natural contractions are felt more severely on an empty stomach. Without food, the stomach becomes a gastric echo chamber. Hunger pangs serve a handy purpose: They're like a text message from the stomach to the brain telling it that it's time to pursue nourishment.

And although it can be easy to get caught up in a busy schedule, it would be more beneficial to listen to your body when it's hungry.

Pros: If you already have a stomach ache that's due to hunger, eating regular meals will reduce any pain and lessen the chances of experiencing discomfort as frequently.

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Avoid spicy foods

Eating spicy foods before bed is a common culprit of acid reflux, as is eating too much or too fast, smoking, and imbibing heavily. But nearly anything can make you feel the burn and result in a stomach ache.

"This condition often hits at night, when you're in the lying-down position," says Minh Nguyen, MD, a gastroenterologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

She recommends a prescription medicine or an over-the-counter antacid like Prilosec. But if you don't want to rely on drugs, cut back on the known triggers can prevent this from happening in the long run.

Pros: Since spicy foods are known for causing stomach aches, avoiding them will minimize the chances of making the pain worse or help you avoid having any issues altogether.

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Increase your fiber intake

If in addition to a stomach ache, you're experiencing other symptoms of constipation, such as bloating or gas, add more fiber to your diet. Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, or kick-start your day with a high-fiber cereal.

FYI, constipation is very common in women, says Irwin Grosman, MD, the associate chief of gastroenterology at NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn. "There's a theory that there's a hormonal difference between men and women, and [that] women take longer to digest and eliminate food," he adds.

Pros: Getting enough fiber is essential on several fronts. "Aside from preventing constipation, it also decreases the risk of colon cancer. Insoluble fiber also acts as prebiotic, regulates the intestinal gut floor, and feeds beneficial bacteria," says Dr. Close.Cons: Adding more fiber to a meal or two probably isn't going to be immediately effective. This is more of a long-term play.

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Avoid gas-producing veggies

On the flip side, if you're dealing with green poop and an upset stomach, veggies could be to blame. "Our dietary vegetable intake is usually the cause of green stool. Stomach aches in this setting can usually be remedied by avoiding major gas-producing vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts," says Dr. Herrera. Minimize the amount you eat until you feel better.

Pros: Similarly to avoiding spicy foods, ditching foods (specifically vegetables) that are known to produce gas can help settle an upset stomach or avoid one altogether.

Cons: You'll want to ensure you're getting enough of the nutrients you'd otherwise be getting through these veggies through other sources.

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Try over-the-counter medicine

If you have a gas problem that you think is causing your stomach pain, take an OTC drug like Mylanta Gas. Beano is another good option, says Michael Wolfe, MD, the chair of the Case Western Reserve University department of medicine at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. That's especially if veggies aren't friendly to your system, since it breaks down raffinose, a sugar byproduct in plants that can be tough to digest.

ICYMI, gas is caused by two things: eating gas-forming foods such as green vegetables, fruits with peels on them, carbonated beverages, cabbage, and beans; or by swallowing air, explains Michael Wolfe, MD, the chair of the Case Western Reserve University department of medicine at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. "People [take in extra air] when they drink with straws, talk with their mouths full, eat too fast, or when they're nervous," he says.

If it's diarrhea that's the cause of your woes, and it strikes at a bad time or if it's so frequent that it keeps you up at night, you could try some Pepto-Bismol, per Amit Bhan, MD, a gastroenterologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The pink liquid will attack the diarrhea-causing bacteria in your system, so you can rest and function during the day. You can also take Imodium, which works by slowing down the speed at which fluids flow through your intestines.

Pros: Using an over-the-counter medication might help you target a stomach ache quickly.

Cons: Some people would prefer to not take OTC medication. In this case, there are herbal medications and supplements such as IBGard.

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When you go for a run (or really, do any type of workout), you might feel that little pinch of pain in your side. That's typically musculoskeletal pain caused by dehydration or eating too much before you started your sweat session, says Rita Knotts, MD, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health.

So drink up. And next time, before you begin exercising, Dr. Knotts suggests making sure you have some time to digest. Give yourself at least an hour (better yet, a couple) after a meal.

Pros: Drinking water will prevent dehydration and promote smooth digestion. It's also a better alternative to drinks that contain bubbles or other ingredients that might prolong a stomach ache.

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Give it time

Mild stomach aches can go away on their own if you wait a little. This also applies when dealing with diarrhea, which could be a symptom of mild food poisoning.

While this can totally happen at your neighborhood sushi joint, it's also super common when you travel overseas. That's because your body has to adjust to the new bacteria in the food and water you're consuming away from home.

Being patient is the best thing you can do in these scenarios. "You need to let your body flush itself," says Dr. Bhan.

Pros: Unless the pain is acute, giving your stomach some time to settle might avoid some potential anxiety that stems from throwing the kitchen sink at the problem.

Cons: You may not feel like you're being proactive about your symptoms by just waiting for your symptoms to subside.

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Try acupuncture or cognitive behavioral therapy

Sometimes a digestive disease, like gastritis or a peptic ulcer, may be responsible for indigestion. But more commonly, chronic indigestion is known as functional dyspepsia—or indigestion without a known health problem behind it, per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

If you're looking for a long-term solution, Dr. Knotts recommends trying cognitive behavioral therapy or acupuncture, since the indigestion could be caused by stress.

Pros: This approach can also be helpful for people who have chronic functional abdominal pain, says Dr. Close. Reducing stress and anxiety can improve the overall health and function of the GI tract.

Cons: Again, this one isn't going to be a quick fix.

Thomas Del Brase

Try a low-FODMAP diet

"This diet has been shown to be effective in managing stomach pain and bloating in patients with irritable bowel syndrome because it eliminates many gas-producing foods," Dr. Herrera says. (This is an elimination diet, so you'll want to do this under the supervision of a healthcare provider.)

Pros: A low-FODMAP diet can potentially alleviate the symptoms of stomach aches, bloating, and other GI problems by limiting your intake of fermentable carbs.

Cons: This might not be an immediate course of action, as you should speak with your doctor before implementing it into your daily routine.

Philip Wilkins

Avoid lying down too quickly after a meal

This is especially important for people who are prone to acid reflux. "Lying down too quickly will result in stomach contents moving into the esophagus, which results in an unpleasant feeling of pressure or pain, along with a bitter taste," says Dr. Herrera. Schedule your last meal of the day to be at least three hours before lying down or going to bed, per Dr. Kia.

Pros: Not eating three hours before bed can prevent you from silently regurgitating through the night, which would lead to more reflux symptoms and inflammation of the esophagus the next day.


Eat yogurt

If you deal with constant stomach issues like bloating, yogurt can help keep your digestive system in shape.

As long as you've ruled out lactose intolerance, try eating yogurt with "live and active cultures" (look for this phrase on the label), which can help regulate your digestive system.

Pros: Yogurt has probiotics, which can help fight any harmful bacteria. It can also help restore the microbiome in the gut, says Dr. Nazareth.

Cons: Yogurt won't provide a quick-fix, but it can be a good preventative measure.

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Avoid bubbly drinks

Burping is actually a natural reflex response to increased gas in your system, Dr. Knotts says. Foods or beverages that promote gas (think: carbonated beverages) may be to blame. Dr. Knotts suggests avoiding bubbles, so swap soda or beer for water or wine.

Pros: While some people like to reach for a ginger ale, that's not always the best idea. Carbonated drinks generally don't affect everyone negatively, but staying clear from them while having a stomach ache can prevent increased gas in the gut.

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Should I take an OTC pain killer to treat a stomach ache?

In short, no. While many people assume they should take OTC pain killers like Ibuprofen for their stomach aches, it's one of the last things you should try. "Frequent or higher dose use actually puts patients at risk for gastritis, gastric ulcers, and peptic ulcer disease," says Dr. Close. "Motrin, Advil, Aleve, aspirin…all of those medicines can cause GI distress and are not recommended for abdominal pain."

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Are changes in bowel function normal?

You should speak to your doctor if you are noticing any changes in your bowel function. "Because we are seeing colon polyps and cancers earlier and earlier, we don't ignore any change in bowel habits," says Dr. Close. But if you're dealing with something minor, you can opt for over-the-counter supplements or probiotics that may help over time.

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Can too much fiber cause stomach pain?

While fiber is essential for a well-rounded diet, too much of it can lead to stomach pain for certain people. "The only time fiber is problematic, for the most part, is if you have irritable bowel syndrome and have difficulty with bloating and intestinal gas with fiber," says Dr. Close.

Additionally, hitting the recommended amount of dietary fiber isn't as easy as it might seem. "I generally recommend a target dietary fiber intake of 25 to 35 grams of fiber a day," adds Dr. Close. "If you talk to patients in the US, they're not eating a quarter of that in most cases."

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Tired Of Visiting Dentist? These Natural Techniques Will Keep The Pain At Bay

Natural tips to help you. While these home remedies can offer temporary relief from toothache, they are not a substitute for professional dental care.

Toothache can be annoying and painful if you don't know the correct way to deal with it. Being surrounded by such delicious treats it becomes difficult to resist yourself but what we forget is our tooth health. Toothache is a common problem that can be caused by various factors such as tooth decay, gum disease, or dental infections. While it is always necessary to consult a doctor in case of any kind of discomfort, it is also important to know some home remedies that can mitigate the pain. Here, we will be looking at some common home remedies that can be used often in case of tooth-related problems. It has shown some incredible effects so there's no harm in trying it.

Saltwater Rinse

An easy-to-do at-home toothache cure is to rinse with saltwater. It fights oral microorganisms and lessens irritation. Half a teaspoon of salt should be dissolved in eight ounces of warm water to make a saltwater rinse. Before spitting the solution out, swish it about in your mouth for about thirty seconds. For relief, repeat this several times a day.

Clove Oil

Eugenol, a naturally occurring analgesic and antibacterial found in clove oil, can lessen inflammation and numb pain. Clove oil can be applied directly to the impacted tooth by soaking a cotton ball or piece of gauze in a few drops of oil before using it. It can irritate you, so take care not to get any oil on your tongue or other delicate spots. Additionally, there are over-the-counter toothache treatment gels available.

Cold Compress

A cold compress might assist in lowering swelling and offer momentary dental pain relief. Apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen veggies to the outside of your cheek for fifteen minutes by wrapping it in a tiny piece of cloth. This may lessen swelling and numb the affected area.

Peppermint Tea

For a toothache, peppermint tea might be relaxing. Natural numbing and anti-inflammatory qualities are found in peppermint. Pour yourself a cup of peppermint tea and let it settle. For relief, hold the tea against the affected area or swish it in your mouth.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Both oral bacteria and discomfort can be eliminated with hydrogen peroxide. Equal parts water and 3% hydrogen peroxide should be combined. Make sure not to swallow this solution when using it as a mouthwash. After swishing it about your mouth for a minute or two, spit it out. Afterward, rinse your mouth with water to get rid of any remaining peroxide.


Garlic has natural antibacterial and analgesic properties that can help relieve toothache pain. Crush a garlic clove to create a paste and apply it directly to the affected tooth. You can also chew a piece of garlic or place it against the tooth. Be prepared for some strong taste, but it can provide relief.

Disclaimer: The home remedies given above are just some suggestions and tips to manage the condition. Do not ignore the symptoms if they persist for a long time. Make sure you consult a doctor before completely relying on it.

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    Remember to speak to your GP before starting any supplements, especially if you are already taking medication.

    What is the menopause and what age does it usually start?

    Menopause is a natural part of ageing, which usually happens when a woman is between the age of 45 and 55.

    In the UK, the average age for a woman to go through menopause is 51.

    It occurs when oestrogen levels in the body start to decline.

    During this time periods become less frequent or they can suddenly stop, and after menopause occurs women will be unable to become pregnant naturally.

    Around one in 100 women experience menopause before the age of 40, and this is known as premature ovarian insufficiency or premature menopause.

    Many celebrities have spoken out about their own experiences, including Lisa Snowdon, Davina McCall, Michelle Heaton and Zoe Hardman. 

    What are the symptoms?

    Menopausal symptoms can start months or years before your periods stop, and can last until four years or longer after your last period.

    Symptoms include:

  • Hot flushes
  • Changing or irregular periods
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Anxiety and loss of confidence
  • Low mood, irritability and depression
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness or discomfort during sex
  • Reduced libido (sex drive)
  • Problems with concentration or memory
  • Weight gain
  • Bladder control
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