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What Delta 8 Strain Is Best For Anxiety?

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. 

Looking for the best strain to ease your anxiety? Look no further than delta 8 strains. These potent and quality delta-dominant strains have been gaining immense popularity in the wellness industry, thanks to their potential to provide anxiety relief. But with so many options out there, finding the right strain for your individual needs is crucial.

Delta 8 strains work by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors in our endocannabinoid system, helping to promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Made from organic hemp and available in various flavors, including THC gummies, these strains offer not only anxiety relief but also a delightful flavor profile.

Delta 8 strains can be a game-changer. Whether you're dealing with pain or simply seeking a state of tranquility, these strains like Dart XL can help you find that sweet spot with their targeted effects.

So why wait? Discover the power of delta 8 strains today and experience the natural relief you've been searching for.

Recommended Delta 8 Products
  • Everest Delta 8 Gummies

  • Budpop Delta 8 Gummies

  • Exhale Wellness Delta 8 Gummies

  • 3CHI Delta 8 Gummies

  • Otterspace Delta 8 Gummies

  • Understanding Science Behind Delta 8 Strains and Anxiety

    Delta 8 THC, a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, has gained attention for its potential to alleviate anxiety symptoms. By understanding how delta 8 interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, we can explore its effectiveness in managing anxiety.

    How Delta 8 THC Interacts with the Endocannabinoid System

    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood and anxiety. Delta 8 THC binds to the CB1 receptors within the ECS, which are primarily located in the brain and central nervous system. This interaction helps modulate neurotransmitter release and may contribute to reducing anxiety symptoms.

    Research Studies Supporting Delta 8 Strains for Anxiety Management

    Several studies have explored the potential benefits of delta 8 strains for anxiety management. In one study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, researchers found that mice treated with delta 8 THC exhibited reduced anxiety-like behaviors compared to those who received a placebo.

    Another study published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior investigated the anxiolytic effects of delta 8 THC on rats. The results showed that low doses of delta 8 THC decreased anxiety-related behaviors without causing significant sedation or impairments.

    While further research is needed to fully understand the effects of delta 8 strains on human subjects, these preliminary studies suggest its potential as an alternative approach for managing anxiety.

    Difference Between Delta 9 THC and Delta 8 THC

    Delta 9 THC is widely known for its psychoactive properties that can induce feelings of paranoia or increased anxiety levels in some individuals. On the other hand, delta 8 THC offers a milder psychoactive experience while potentially providing relief from anxious thoughts.

    The chemical structure of both compounds is similar; however, they differ slightly due to variations in their double-bond placement. This subtle difference affects how they interact with the ECS, resulting in varying psychoactive effects.

    Factors Contributing to the Effectiveness of Delta 8 Strains

    The effectiveness of delta 8 strains in reducing anxiety can be influenced by several factors. These include:

  • Dosage: Finding the optimal dosage is crucial to achieving desired anxiety relief without experiencing overwhelming psychoactive effects.

  • Individual Sensitivity: Each person may respond differently to delta 8 THC, so it's important to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed.

  • Product Quality: Choosing high-quality delta 8 strains from reputable sources ensures purity and potency, enhancing the potential benefits for anxiety management.

  • Personal Context: Factors such as environment, mindset, and overall health can influence how individuals experience the effects of delta 8 strains on their anxiety symptoms.

  • Effects of Different Delta 8 Strains on Anxiety

    It's important to consider the variations in terpene profiles and cannabinoid ratios among different strains. These factors play a significant role in determining the effects each strain has on anxiety. Let's explore the potential benefits of different delta 8 strains and how they may help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

    Indica-Dominant Strains: Calming Effects for Mind and Body

    Indica-dominant strains are well-known for their calming effects on both the mind and body. These strains typically contain higher levels of myrcene, a terpene known for its sedative properties. Myrcene promotes relaxation and can help individuals feel more at ease, making it potentially beneficial for those dealing with anxiety.

    Some popular Indica-dominant delta 8 strains that may provide anxiety relief include:

  • Northern Lights: This strain is renowned for its potent relaxing effects, making it ideal for individuals seeking relief from stress and anxiety.

  • Granddaddy Purple: With its high myrcene content, Granddaddy Purple offers deep relaxation and tranquility, helping to calm anxious thoughts.

  • Bubba Kush: Known for its soothing properties, Bubba Kush can induce a sense of calmness while easing tension in both the mind and body.

  • Sativa-Dominant Strains: Uplifting Effects for Stress Management

    On the other end of the spectrum, Sativa-dominant strains are often associated with uplifting effects that can assist individuals in managing stress-related symptoms. These strains tend to have higher levels of limonene, a terpene known for its mood-enhancing properties. Limonene can boost mood and reduce feelings of anxiousness.

    Consider trying this sativa-dominant delta 8 strain if you're looking to manage anxiety:

  • Sour Diesel: This energizing strain is known for its ability to uplift mood and promote a sense of well-being, potentially helping individuals combat anxiety.

  • Jack Herer: With its uplifting and euphoric effects, Jack Herer can provide mental clarity while reducing stress levels. It may be particularly beneficial for anxiety sufferers who want to remain productive throughout the day.

  • Durban Poison: This strain is often praised for its invigorating effects, which can help individuals feel more focused and motivated. It may be an excellent choice for those experiencing anxiety accompanied by fatigue or lack of motivation.

  • Hybrid Strains: A Balanced Approach to Anxiety Relief

    Hybrid strains offer a balanced approach to anxiety relief by combining characteristics from both indica and sativa varieties. These strains can provide the best of both worlds, offering relaxation without inducing excessive sedation or overstimulation.

    Here are some popular hybrid delta 8 strains that may assist with anxiety:

  • Wedding Cake: This hybrid strain offers a calming yet uplifting experience, making it suitable for individuals seeking a balance between relaxation and focus.

  • Gelato: Known for its pleasant aroma and balanced effects, Gelato can promote a sense of calmness while keeping the mind clear and alert.

  • Blue Dream: With its harmonious blend of relaxing and uplifting qualities, Blue Dream may alleviate anxiety symptoms while enhancing creativity and focus.

  • Choosing the Right Delta 8 Strain for Anxiety

    It's essential to consider various factors that can influence your experience. From personal preferences to desired effects and individual tolerance levels, selecting the right strain requires careful consideration. Here are some key points to keep in mind when choosing a delta 8 strain for anxiety.

    Importance of Personal Preferences, Desired Effects, and Individual Tolerance Levels

    Everyone's preferences and needs differ. It's crucial to understand what you're looking for in a delta 8 strain and how it aligns with your goals. Some individuals may prefer strains that provide relaxation and calmness, while others might seek strains that offer uplifting effects alongside anxiety relief. By considering your personal preferences, you can narrow down your options and find a strain that suits your unique requirements.

    Moreover, understanding your tolerance level is vital to ensure a comfortable experience. If you're new to delta 8 or have a low tolerance, starting with strains known for their milder effects might be beneficial. On the other hand, experienced users with higher tolerances might opt for more potent strains.

    Consulting with Medical Professionals or Budtenders Knowledgeable about Different Delta 8 Strains

    Seeking guidance from medical professionals or knowledgeable budtenders can provide valuable insights into which delta 8 strains are best suited for anxiety management. These experts have extensive knowledge of different strains' properties and can recommend specific varieties based on their experiences working with patients or customers.

    Medical professionals can offer advice tailored to your individual health conditions and any potential interactions between medications you may be taking. Budtenders, on the other hand, possess firsthand knowledge of customer feedback regarding various delta 8 strains' effectiveness in alleviating anxiety symptoms.

    Experimenting with Various Strains

    Finding the ideal delta 8 strain often involves some trial and error. Each person's body chemistry reacts differently to different strains, so experimenting with various options can help you discover the one that works best for your anxiety needs. Consider starting with smaller quantities of different strains and observe how each one affects your mood, anxiety levels, and overall well-being.

    Considering Factors such as Potency, Flavor Profile, and Consumption Method

    When selecting a delta 8 strain for anxiety relief, several factors come into play. Potency plays a significant role in determining the strength of the effects experienced. Some individuals may find higher potency strains more effective in managing their anxiety symptoms, while others may prefer milder options.

    Considering the flavor profile is essential as it contributes to the overall experience. Strains can range from fruity and sweet to earthy or even herbal. Finding a flavor that appeals to your taste buds can enhance your enjoyment while consuming delta 8 products.

    Lastly, choosing an appropriate consumption method is crucial. Delta 8 comes in various forms such as vape cartridges, edibles, tinctures, or concentrates. Each consumption method offers its unique benefits and effects. For example:

  • Vape cartridges provide fast-acting relief but have a shorter duration.

  • Edibles offer longer-lasting effects but take longer to kick in.

  • Tinctures provide versatility in dosing and easy administration.

  • By considering these factors alongside personal preferences and desired effects, you can make an informed decision when choosing a delta 8 strain for anxiety management.

    Comparing Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid Strains for Anxiety

    It's essential to consider the unique characteristics of sativa, indica, and hybrid strains. Each strain type offers different effects that can help manage anxiety symptoms effectively. Let's take a closer look at how these strains differ and which one may be most suitable for your individual needs.

    Sativa Strains: Energizing Properties to Combat Fatigue

    Sativa strains are well-known for their energizing properties, making them an excellent choice for combating fatigue associated with anxiety. These strains typically contain higher levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. The uplifting effects of Sativa strains can provide a burst of energy and promote a more positive mindset.

    Here are some key points about sativa strains:

  • Sativa strains offer an invigorating experience that can boost mood and creativity.

  • The high THC content in sativas may help alleviate symptoms of depression often associated with anxiety.

  • These strains tend to have lower levels of CBD (cannabidiol), another prominent cannabinoid known for its potential therapeutic benefits.

  • Indica Strains: Relaxation and Sedation for Sleep Disturbances

    Indica strains are renowned for their relaxing and sedative effects, which can be beneficial for those experiencing sleep disturbances related to anxiety. These strains typically have higher levels of CBD compared to sativas, providing a more calming experience.

    Consider the following aspects when exploring indica strains:

  • Indicas induce deep relaxation and tranquility that can aid in reducing stress and tension.

  • Higher CBD content in these strains promotes physical relaxation without inducing excessive mental stimulation.

  • Indica strains may help alleviate insomnia or restless nights caused by anxious thoughts.

  • Hybrid Strains: A Versatile Option Combining Sativa and Indica Effects

    Hybrid strains offer a combination of both sativa and indica effects, making them a versatile option for anxiety management. These strains are created by crossbreeding different cannabis varieties to produce desired characteristics from both parent plants.

    Here's why hybrid strains can be a great choice:

  • Hybrid strains allow users to experience the benefits of both sativa and indica strains in one package.

  • Depending on the specific hybrid strain, you can find varying ratios of THC and CBD to suit your needs.

  • The unique blend of terpenes and cannabinoids in hybrids offers a wide range of effects, catering to different anxiety symptoms.

  • Understanding the distinctive properties of each strain type is crucial when determining which one is best suited for your anxiety symptoms. Whether you prefer the energizing effects of sativas, the relaxing qualities of indicas, or the versatility provided by hybrids, there's a cannabis strain out there that may help alleviate your anxiety.

    By exploring different indica strains, sativa strains, and hybrid strains, you can discover which ones work best for you. Remember that everyone's response to cannabis varies, so it's important to start with smaller doses and gradually increase as needed. Consulting with a healthcare professional experienced in medical cannabis is also recommended for personalized guidance.

    So go ahead and explore the world of cannabis strains – finding the right one might just bring some much-needed relief to your anxiety symptoms.

    Top Delta 8 Strains for Anxiety Relief

    There are several options worth considering. These strains have gained popularity among users due to their reported effectiveness in managing anxiety symptoms. From well-known varieties like Blue Dream, Gelato, and Sour Diesel to lesser-known gems like Pineapple Express or Wedding Cake, each strain offers its unique potential benefits for those seeking relief from anxiety.

    Popular Strains with Anxiety Relief Properties
  • Blue Dream: This hybrid strain is renowned for its calming effects and mood-enhancing properties. Users have reported feeling a sense of relaxation and euphoria after consuming Blue Dream, making it an ideal choice for individuals dealing with anxiety.

  • Gelato: Known for its sweet aroma and soothing effects, Gelato has become a go-to option for many anxiety sufferers. The strain's balanced blend of indica and sativa genetics provides a calming experience without inducing sedation.

  • Sour Diesel: With its energizing and uplifting qualities, Sour Diesel can help alleviate stress and promote a positive mindset. Its cerebral effects may assist in reducing anxious thoughts while providing an invigorating boost.

  • Exploring Lesser-Known Delta 8 Strains

    While popular strains often steal the spotlight, some lesser-known delta 8 varieties also hold promise in relieving anxiety symptoms:

  • Pineapple Express: This tropical-flavored strain combines the best of both worlds by offering relaxation alongside increased focus and creativity.

  • Wedding Cake: Not only does Wedding Cake provide a pleasant taste reminiscent of vanilla cake, but it may also induce feelings of tranquility and calmness that can be beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety.

  • User Reviews and Experiences

    Understanding how different delta 8 strains affect individuals experiencing anxiety is crucial when making an informed choice. User reviews offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of various strains:

  • Many users have reported that Blue Dream helped them feel more at ease, reducing anxiety levels and promoting a sense of well-being.

  • Gelato has garnered praise for its ability to induce a state of relaxation without causing sedation or mental fog.

  • Sour Diesel's uplifting properties have been credited with easing anxious thoughts and providing an energizing experience.

  • When choosing a delta 8 strain for anxiety relief, it's essential to consider individual preferences and consult with a healthcare professional if needed. Everyone's response to different strains can vary, so experimenting with various options may be necessary to find the ideal match.

    Best Delta 8 Products For Anxiety

    If you're seeking relief from anxiety, delta 8 THC products can offer a natural alternative to traditional treatments. With their calming effects and potential therapeutic benefits, these products have gained popularity among individuals looking for anxiety relief. Here are some of the best delta 8 strains available that may help alleviate your anxiety symptoms:

    Everest Delta 8 Gummies

    Everest Delta 8 Gummies are highly regarded for their effectiveness in reducing anxiety. These gummies contain a potent dose of delta 8 THC, which interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system to promote relaxation and calmness. The carefully measured dosage ensures consistent results, making them an ideal choice for managing anxiety levels.

    Budpop Delta 8 Gummies

    Budpop offers a range of delta 8 gummies specially formulated to address various concerns, including anxiety. Their gummies combine high-quality ingredients with precise dosing to deliver optimal results. By consuming these gummies, you can experience a sense of tranquility and peace while keeping anxious thoughts at bay.

    Exhale Wellness Delta 8 Gummies

    Exhale Wellness is known for its premium quality delta 8 products, including their highly effective gummies designed specifically for anxiety relief. These gummies are infused with pure delta 8 THC extract derived from organic hemp plants. The combination of natural ingredients and the soothing properties of delta 8 THC make these gummies an excellent choice for managing anxiety symptoms.

    3CHI Delta 8 Gummies

    3CHI is a trusted brand that offers high-quality delta 8 products, including their popular gummy line. These gummies are made using natural flavors and colors, ensuring a delightful experience with each bite. The carefully crafted formula provides a gentle yet noticeable reduction in anxiety levels, allowing you to feel more at ease during stressful situations.

    Otterspace Delta 8 Gummies

    Otterspace is a brand that focuses on creating delta 8 products with exceptional quality and potency. Their delta 8 gummies are no exception, offering a reliable solution for anxiety relief. These gummies are made from organically grown hemp and contain a precise dosage of delta 8 THC to help calm your mind and promote relaxation.

    It's essential to consider factors such as potency, quality of ingredients, and customer reviews. Each individual may have different preferences, so finding the right product might require some trial and error. Remember to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it until you find the optimal balance for your anxiety needs.

    Conclusion: Finding the Best Delta 8 Strain for Anxiety Relief

    In summary, finding the best delta 8 strain for anxiety involves considering personal preferences regarding Sativa, Indica, or hybrid varieties. Some popular options include Blue Dream, Gelato, and Wedding Cake. Exploring reputable brands offering specific delta 8 products tailored toward anxiety relief can be beneficial.

    If you're ready to explore different delta 8 strains and products for anxiety relief, take the next step towards finding the right fit for you. Remember to prioritize quality, consult with a healthcare professional, and enjoy the potential benefits that delta 8 may offer.

    FAQs Can delta 8 strains worsen anxiety symptoms?

    Delta 8 strains can have varying effects on individuals. While some people may find them helpful in managing anxiety symptoms, others might experience increased anxiety or paranoia. It is important to start with low doses and monitor your body's response before determining if a particular strain worsens your anxiety symptoms.

    Are there any side effects associated with using delta 8 strains for anxiety relief?

    Like any cannabis-related product, delta 8 strains can potentially cause side effects. These may include dry mouth, red eyes, dizziness, increased heart rate, and temporary memory impairment. It's crucial to use these products responsibly and be aware of how they affect your body.

    How long does it take for delta 8 strains to alleviate anxiety symptoms?

    The time it takes for delta 8 strains to alleviate anxiety symptoms can vary from person to person. Factors such as dosage, individual metabolism, and tolerance levels can influence the onset and duration of effects. It is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed while observing how your body responds.

    Can I use delta 8 strains alongside my prescribed anti-anxiety medications?

    It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before combining any new substances or medications. They will be able to provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and medical history.

    Are there any legal restrictions on purchasing or using delta 8 strains for anxiety relief?

    The legality of delta 8 THC varies by jurisdiction. Some states have specific regulations regarding its sale and use, while others consider it illegal. It is important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your area before purchasing or using delta 8 strains for anxiety relief.

    Can I drive or operate heavy machinery after using delta 8 strains?

    Delta 8 THC can impair cognitive and motor functions, similar to other cannabis products. It is advised to refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery after using delta 8 strains until you are fully aware of how it affects your coordination and mental clarity.

    The 7 Best CBD Oils For Anxiety In 2023

    We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Here's our process.

    Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind.

    Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we:
  • Evaluate ingredients and composition: Do they have the potential to cause harm?
  • Fact-check all health claims: Do they align with the current body of scientific evidence?
  • Assess the brand: Does it operate with integrity and adhere to industry best practices?
  • We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness.

    Was this helpful?

    Our editors reviewed potency, ingredients, and third-party testing to choose the best CBD oils for anxiety. Check out the full list below, which includes oils from Aspen Green, FOCL, Spruce, and more.

    Healthline has sole editorial control over this article. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. The information in this article is intended to be general in nature. It's not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Healthline encourages you to make any treatment decisions with your healthcare professional.

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Although research into its effects is ongoing, some studies suggest that it may be able to help ease symptoms of conditions like chronic pain, insomnia, and even anxiety.

    If you've been considering grabbing a bottle of CBD oil to ease worry and stress, you may have found yourself surprised — maybe even overwhelmed — by all the choices out there, not to mention the vocabulary. What the heck is a terpene anyway?

    Although nothing makes one CBD oil better than another at reducing anxiety, if you choose a quality product you stand to gain the most benefit. We've done the research to help you choose a CBD oil or tincture that fits your needs, including some that contain other ingredients that may help bring about a sense of calm.

    We chose these products based on criteria we think are good indicators of safety, quality, and transparency. Each product in this article:

  • is made by a company that provides proof of third-party testing by an ISO 17025-compliant lab
  • is made with U.S.-grown hemp
  • contains no more than 0.3% THC, according to the certificate of analysis (COA)
  • is below the legal limit for pesticides, heavy metals, and molds, according to the COA
  • We also considered:

  • company certifications and manufacturing processes
  • product potency
  • overall ingredients
  • indicators of user trust and brand reputation, such as:
  • Healthline's review

    This full-spectrum CBD oil is sold in Original, Citrus, and Mint flavors, and comes in three different potencies. It's also U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified organic.

    In addition to oils, the company offers balms, creams, and other products.

    Aspen Green offers a 35–60% discount to military personnel, first responders, medical personnel, teachers, students, and people in low income households, with disabilities, or who are currently unemployed.

    What our tester says

    "This is a great oil for more advanced users of CBD, especially the 3,000 mg bottle (100 mg CBD per full 1 mL dose). Even those with experience using CBD may want to start with half a dropper (50 mg CBD per .5 mL dose).

    "This oil, in all flavors, does have an earthy taste to it. Keep that in mind if you dislike the taste of hemp." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    "This is a great oil for more advanced users of CBD, especially the 3,000 mg bottle (100 mg CBD per full 1 mL dose). Even those with experience using CBD may want to start with half a dropper (50 mg CBD per .5 mL dose).

    "This oil, in all flavors, does have an earthy taste to it. Keep that in mind if you dislike the taste of hemp." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    Pros & cons
  • varied potencies and flavors
  • grown and processed in Colorado
  • military and discount programs available
  • higher price point than other CBD oils
  • hint of hemp flavor may be disliked by some CBD users
  • varied potencies and flavors
  • grown and processed in Colorado
  • military and discount programs available
  • higher price point than other CBD oils
  • hint of hemp flavor may be disliked by some CBD users
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $74
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $74
  • CBD type: isolate
  • CBD potency: 1,000 mg per 30-mL bottle
  • COA: available on product page
  • Use code "healthline" for 20% off sitewide or choose the subscription option for 20% off the first 2 subscription orders and 25% off the 3rd order.


    Healthline's review

    If you're sensitive to other cannabinoids, you might prefer a high potency CBD isolate and nothing else — no trace amounts of THC, no other plant compounds, and no added flavors.

    This oil by CBDistillery is available in three potencies ranging in price from $42–$130, so you can choose which strength is best for your needs.

    CBDistillery is behind the "The CBD Movement Podcast" and aims to educate people about the science behind cannabis and its intersection with wellness.

    Pros & cons
  • THC-free (pure CBD)
  • high potency
  • simple ingredients
  • pricey compared with other brands
  • dose may be too high for beginners
  • no benefit from the entourage effect
  • THC-free (pure CBD)
  • high potency
  • simple ingredients
  • pricey compared with other brands
  • dose may be too high for beginners
  • no benefit from the entourage effect
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • CBD type: full-spectrum
  • CBD potency: 1,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 2,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 4,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 6,000 mg per 30-mL bottle
  • COA: available online
  • Healthline's review

    CBD companies such as CBDfx are now offering CBD combined with cannabinol (CBN). Although there's a lack of solid research on the benefits of CBN oil, people often use it for relaxation and sleep.

    This CBN and CBD tincture comes in a wide range of potencies and is unflavored. It's also organic, vegan, and gluten-free.

    What our tester says

    "I took this CBD oil to see if it may help increase feelings of relaxation after work. I noticed that my body felt more relaxed about 40 minutes after taking this oil. It certainly worked well for me personally.

    "The flavor isn't *quite* unflavored, it's not hemp-y but it's also not completely unflavored. I wouldn't mix this oil with a beverage due to the slight flavor it does have." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    "I took this CBD oil to see if it may help increase feelings of relaxation after work. I noticed that my body felt more relaxed about 40 minutes after taking this oil. It certainly worked well for me personally.

    "The flavor isn't *quite* unflavored, it's not hemp-y but it's also not completely unflavored. I wouldn't mix this oil with a beverage due to the slight flavor it does have." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    Pros & cons
  • varied potencies
  • added CBN and terpenes
  • organic, gluten-free, and cruelty-free
  • unflavored (which some users may dislike)
  • no assistance programs (although there is a rewards program)
  • varied potencies
  • added CBN and terpenes
  • organic, gluten-free, and cruelty-free
  • unflavored (which some users may dislike)
  • no assistance programs (although there is a rewards program)
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • CBD type: broad-spectrum
  • CBD potency: 1,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 3,000 mg per 30-mL bottle
  • COA: available on product page
  • Use code "HEALTHLINE20" for 20% off your first order of FOCL (excludes bundles). Limited to one use per customer. Cannot be combined with other offers.

    $59 AT FOCL

    Healthline's review

    FOCL Premium Broad-Spectrum CBD Drops is a broad-spectrum CBD tincture. It comes in a range of flavors, including Natural, Citrus, Mint, and Orange Cream. It's also vegan and verified non-GMO (genetically modified organisms).

    Several potencies are available, including 1,000 mg, 2,000 mg, and 3,000 mg CBD per bottle. FOCL offers subscribe and save discounts, making reordering easier on your bank account.

    FOCL makes their products with U.S.-grown hemp in facilities that are compliant with the FDA's current good manufacturing practices.

    Pros & cons
  • broad-spectrum formula
  • vegan and cruelty-free
  • range of potency and flavor options
  • broad-spectrum formula
  • vegan and cruelty-free
  • range of potency and flavor options
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 60 days
  • Shipping: free shipping
  • CBD type: isolate
  • CBD potency: 500 mg per 30-mL bottle, 1,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 3,000 mg per 30-mL bottle, 6,000 mg per 60-mL bottle
  • COA: available online
  • Healthline's review

    Our favorite part about the Medterra Isolate CBD Oil is that it has no taste. If you want a no-fuss, simple CBD formula, this offers exactly that. Like the CBDistillery isolate above, it's made with pure CBD extract and coconut-derived organic MCT oil. It contains no additives or flavors.

    But if you're hoping for slightly more potency options than the CBDistillery oil, Medterra's comes in four different potencies.

    The lowest potency formula contains 500 mg in a 30-mL bottle, which could be useful if you're a beginner or don't enjoy using strong CBD products. But if you'd like something stronger, you can also purchase a 1,000 mg or 3,000 mg oil. The 6,000 mg oil comes in a 60-mL bottle.

    According to Medterra's website, their products are created using organically grown, industrial hemp. All Medterra products are derived from organic hemp and certified by the US Hemp Authority.

    What our tester says

    "This isolate oil is truly unflavored. I tested the 1,000 mg oil on its own and also added it to an herbal tea. It's fantastic to be able to add an unflavored oil with no hemp-y taste to a beverage.

    "I noticed effects within about 30 minutes after taking the oil. I noticed that my thoughts were racing less and that my shoulders felt less tense. I'm a fan of this oil." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    "This isolate oil is truly unflavored. I tested the 1,000 mg oil on its own and also added it to an herbal tea. It's fantastic to be able to add an unflavored oil with no hemp-y taste to a beverage.

    "I noticed effects within about 30 minutes after taking the oil. I noticed that my thoughts were racing less and that my shoulders felt less tense. I'm a fan of this oil." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    Pros & cons
  • THC-free (pure CBD)
  • subscribe-and-save option
  • truly unflavored
  • no benefits from the entourage effect
  • THC-free (pure CBD)
  • subscribe-and-save option
  • truly unflavored
  • no benefits from the entourage effect
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 30 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 30 days
  • Shipping: free shipping on orders over $75
  • Healthline's review

    At 50 mg per 1-mL dose, this is a high potency product. It's made from hemp grown on the Lazarus Naturals farm in central Oregon.

    Though this is a flavored oil, reviewers describe the taste as subtle and still somewhat earthy. As a bonus, it pairs well in a cup of joe when you want some calm along with your caffeine.

    Customers also rave about the brand's commitment to making CBD accessible with their assistance programs for veterans, people on long-term disability, and low income households.

    Pros & cons
  • organic and vegan
  • range of flavors and sizes
  • discount programs available
  • potency may be too high for some users
  • contains THC, which some users may want to avoid
  • organic and vegan
  • range of flavors and sizes
  • discount programs available
  • potency may be too high for some users
  • contains THC, which some users may want to avoid
  • Product details
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 15 days
  • Shipping: shipping calculated at checkout
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Returns: returns within 15 days
  • Shipping: shipping calculated at checkout
  • CBD type: full-spectrum
  • CBD potency: 750 mg per 30-mL bottle
  • COA: available online
  • Healthline's review

    According to their website, Spruce CBD products are made from a hemp strain that first came to the United States in 1812. The company claims that the terpene profile in this heirloom strain is what makes it so effective.

    This Peppermint-flavored CBD oil is vegan and contains no artificial sweeteners or preservatives — just hemp extract, hempseed oil, and natural peppermint flavoring. This product is well reviewed, with dozens of customers reporting a good experience.

    As a bonus, you can save 15% and get free shipping when you choose their subscribe-and-save option. Their third-party lab reports can be viewed online.

    What our tester says

    "This oil tastes like a mix between peppermint and a grassy hemp taste. I noticed a slight peppermint aftertaste that I liked. I took 1 mL of the oil, which is 25 mg CBD.

    "After about 20 minutes, I noticed my thoughts were not racing as much and my body seemed to feel calmer. I did notice a dry mouth about an hour after taking the CBD oil." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    "This oil tastes like a mix between peppermint and a grassy hemp taste. I noticed a slight peppermint aftertaste that I liked. I took 1 mL of the oil, which is 25 mg CBD.

    "After about 20 minutes, I noticed my thoughts were not racing as much and my body seemed to feel calmer. I did notice a dry mouth about an hour after taking the CBD oil." — Healthline Editor Christy Snyder

    Pros & cons
  • vegan
  • subscribe-and-save option
  • simple ingredients
  • contains THC, which some may want to avoid
  • has a bitter hemp-like taste
  • vegan
  • subscribe-and-save option
  • simple ingredients
  • contains THC, which some may want to avoid
  • has a bitter hemp-like taste
  • Product details
  • Shipping: free for certain products
  • Returns: unopened returns accepted within 30 days
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • Shipping: free for certain products
  • Returns: unopened returns accepted within 30 days
  • Third-party tested: yes
  • While we've chosen to highlight a few specific flavor options in this article, many of the products featured also come in additional flavors, which you can find listed below.

    Research on CBD and its use for anxiety and depression is still ongoing. Large-scale clinical trials are needed to determine effective doses for specific conditions.

    But a 2020 review of existing studies concludes that CBD has potential for treating anxiety disorders like:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • generalized anxiety disorder
  • social anxiety disorder
  • You've got a lot of options when it comes to choosing a CBD oil for anxiety. At a minimum, look for a product that has been third-party tested. Reputable CBD companies will send out their products to accredited, third-party labs to be tested. Then, they'll make the testing results available to the public through certificates of analysis, or COAs.

    Compare the COA with the product label and make sure it actually contains the amount of CBD and THC it says it does. You can also verify that it doesn't have dangerous levels of contaminants like molds, pesticides, and heavy metals.

    Once you've found some quality products, a selection really comes down to personal preference and your needs. If anxiety keeps you up at night, a CBD product that contains calming ingredients might be helpful.

    But if anxiety is more prevalent during your out-and-about hours, you might prefer a low potency CBD you can take on the go, upping your dose as needed.

    Reading a CBD label can feel a little tricky until you're familiar with the terminology. Keep in mind that if you're hoping for an entourage effect of all the phytocannabinoids and terpenes working together, you'll want a full-spectrum product.

    A broad-spectrum option will offer other cannabis plant benefits, as well, but won't include any THC. A CBD isolate product will contain no THC and no other cannabinoids or plant compounds. So, if exposure to anything but CBD is a concern, opt for an isolate.

    And, of course, the taste will come into play. If the smell or taste of cannabis is a turnoff, you may prefer a flavored product to mask any overt earthiness.

    How should I use CBD oil?

    CBD oils and tinctures are best taken under your tongue. Use the dropper to measure your desired dose, then squeeze the drops under the tongue. Hold the liquid there for about 20 seconds before swallowing.

    The serving size is usually the size of the dropper. A 1-oz (30-mL) bottle with 1,200 mg of CBD will deliver 30 servings of 40 mg per mL.

    But that doesn't mean you have to take a full dropper or stick to just one dropper either. If you're new to CBD, start with a smaller dose to see how it affects you before trying more.

    Can you get 'high' from CBD oil?

    CBD by itself does not have any psychoactive properties, so it doesn't make you feel "high." The cannabinoid that does give you the "high" feeling is THC, and although some CBD oils contain small amounts of THC, it's typically not enough to give you that sensation.

    However, CBD products containing 5–10 mg THC per mL per unit are available, so there is potential to experience impairment.

    If you don't want to ingest traces of THC, it may be best to avoid CBD oils that contain them altogether. You can shop for isolate CBD products, which do not contain any THC.

    Is CBD oil safe?

    CBD is generally reported to be safe, but side effects may occur. These may include changes in appetite and weight, fatigue, or diarrhea.

    Does CBD help with anxiety?

    More evidence is needed before researchers can conclude that CBD can help with anxiety. There is a lack of large-scale clinical human trials that study the potential of CBD to treat mood disorders.

    However, several studies suggest that CBD might have anti-anxiety effects. More research is needed to learn more about CBD's therapeutic potential.

    How long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety?

    There is currently a lack of clinical trials on using CBD for anxiety, so there's no consensus on how long it takes for CBD to start working.

    However, in a 2018 study on using CBD for social anxiety, participants were given CBD before undergoing a simulated public speaking test. The study concluded that 300 mg of CBD administered orally 90 minutes before the test significantly reduced the participants' anxiety.

    Before trying CBD for anxiety, talk with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable cannabis clinician, especially if you're taking any medications. CBD may interact with certain prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins or supplements.

    CBD may also cause liver toxicity or injury, according to a 2019 study. However, this study was conducted on mice, and researchers say you would need to be taking extremely high doses for this to be a concern.

    One more thing: Use caution when consuming CBD along with high fat meals. Fats can increase CBD blood concentrations, increasing the risk of side effects, according to a 2020 study.

    Research is still ongoing as to how CBD might help ease anxiety and depression. If you've been considering trying CBD oil to see if it makes you feel more relaxed in times of stress or your day-to-day, we hope our list of fully vetted recommendations helps you choose a product that fits your needs.

    Remember to talk with a healthcare professional first, especially if you already take medications or supplements.

    Is CBD legal? The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the legal definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. This made some hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC legal at the federal level. However, CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC still fall under the legal definition of marijuana, making them illegal at the federal level. Some states have legalized CBD, so be sure to check state laws, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that the FDA has not approved nonprescription CBD products, and some products may be inaccurately labeled.

    What Does Delta 8 Help With?

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. 

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