
Showing posts from January, 2024

Rashes Caused by Candida Infections

headache treatment :: Article Creator 14 Types Of Headaches And How To Treat Them There are many different types of headaches, including tension headaches, migraine headaches, ice pick headaches, and others. The cause, duration, and intensity can vary by type. Many of us are familiar with some form of the throbbing, uncomfortable, and distracting pain of a headache. There are different types of headaches. The common types include: tension headache cluster headache migraine headache hemicrania continua ice pick headache thunderclap headache allergy or sinus headache hormone headache (also known as menstrual migraine) caffeine headache exertion headache hypertension headache rebound headache post-traumatic headache spinal headache Immediate medical attention needed In some cases, a headache may require immediate medical attention. Seek immediate medical care if you're experiencing any of the following symp

7 Natural Home Remedies for Sinus Infection and Pain

naturopathic dr near me :: Article Creator Antivax Quacks Are Continuing To Make Up Fantastical Biological Mechanisms For COVID-19 Vaccine "shedding" A couple of weeks ago, I discussed how the arguments made by antivax quacks like "A Midwestern Doctor" (AMD) for the existence of "shedding," be it of mRNA, spike protein, or evil humors, from people vaccinated with the mRNA-based vaccines against COVID-19 reminded me of the same sorts of fantastical biological "mechanisms" claimed by homeopaths to support their magical mystical remedies. (Memory of water, anyone?) At the time, I left open the possibility for the need for a part two of this discussion because in his—hers? Its?—original post, AMD promised a summary of what he thought to be the best evidence for COVID-19 vaccine shedding. Of course, I predicted that whatever fantastical biological "mechanisms" AMD might suggest would almost certainl

Sinus Drainage: What Medicines Work Best?

home remedy for gout attack :: Article Creator

Natural Flu Remedies: For Symptom Relief and to Shorten Duration

natural path dr :: Article Creator Nature's Path Foods, From Independent Roots To Number One Nature's Path Foods, from Independent Roots to Number One Photo Provided By Nature's Path Foods Caught up in the ostensible romance of war, Arjan Stephens' grandfather, Rupert Stephens, lied about his age to join more than 650,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders to fight in WWI. He was 16, a sensitive songwriter. But, romantic, the trenches of Belgium and France were not. Out of his battalion of 1,000 men, says Arjan, only Rupert and a single other soldier survived—two among the 66,000 Canadian service-members who perished in the war. Rupert Stephens came home to his native Vancouver Island, suffering what at the time people called "shellshock." He found solace and healing for his trauma (which we now understand as PTSD) on a small, family berry farm and produce stand. There he committed to organic farming, which