
Showing posts from July, 2023


alternative therapies in psychiatry :: Article Creator Changing Definitions Of Trauma Are Leading To New Alternative Therapies When I was a resident at NYU in 2009, I worked extensively at Bellevue Hospital's Survivors of Torture Center. I was training to be a psychiatrist, seeing patients who'd endured unspeakable terrors in war-torn regions of Bosnia, Côte d'Ivoire, and Sri Lanka. Even though they shared similar experiences, their trauma presented itself differently. For some, there were little to no traumatic symptoms, while others could not escape their painful memories for more than a few hours a day. At the time, there was little consensus on whether you'd want to encourage patients to speak about their trauma, which could desensitize them to the negative emotions of the memory (an arguably positive result), or else risk retraumatizing them (an obviously negative result). As our knowledge of mental health expands, we are

Retail India - Retail India News: Just Herbs Collabs with Athiya ...

natural remedies for knee pain :: Article Creator 7 Common Causes Of Inner Knee Pain And How To Treat It The inside of your knee can hurt for many reasons, but it often occurs due to cartilage deterioration. It can also follow a sports injury or trauma to your knee. Knee pain is common and can be a symptom of many knee conditions or injuries. The inside of your knee, also called the medial knee or the medial compartment, is the area of the knee that's closest to your opposite knee. Your knee consists of the intersection of four bones, four ligaments, several tendons, two menisci, and cartilage. It is easily injured because it's one of the most complex joints in the body. Knee pain often occurs due to an injury. Some common incidents that cause knee injury and pain include: Here are seven common causes of inner knee pain. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease that breaks down cartilage, causing the bone

Retail India - Retail India News: Palmonas Appoints Pallavi ...

most successful alternative cancer treatments :: Article Creator High Blood Glucose May Sensitize Pancreatic Cancer To Chemotherapy Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat, being highly resistant to chemotherapy. However, there are no effective alternative therapies to chemotherapy, so chemo remains the best available treatment. Although there are fewer than roughly 60,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed annually in the U.S., about 95 percent of people with it die from it, mainly because it often goes undetected in early stages. Approved multi-agent chemotherapy regimens offer a marginal advance over single-agent treatments, and resistance to these "cocktails" virtually always develops. Multi-agent chemo offers a median survival benefit of roughly four months over a single-agent.  Overall, median survival of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer in the modern era is just eight to 11 months, and the